Chapter 4

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It's only been 2 weeks since Taehyun turned 18, and he's already felt even more pain.
He sometimes felt a punch to his shoulders, or a tightening in his chest, or massive headaches that made him want to puke.
The pain was all inconsistent, and he almost never felt pain in the same spot, except for one...
His wrists
When he felt the cutting pain in his wrist for a second time, he didn't think much of it, but then it kept happening, and not just on his left wrist, but on his right too.
It stopped for almost an entire day, and he had mostly forgotten about it.
That night whoever was the worst he had felt it, his wrists where burning.
He had to tell someone about this..


"You're overreacting" Beomgyu told him on their walk home from school.
"Your soulmate is probably just clumsy, I don't see it as anything to worry about"
Taehyun nodded, maybe Beomgyu was right, maybe he was overreacting.
Although the more he thought about it, the more worried he became for his other half.
He could hardly believe himself, he's getting so worked up over someone he's never even met, but on the other hand he was still worried as to what was happening.

"Hey! Do you wanna play Minecraft with me? My mom isn't gonna be home for a while, and she said it would be alright if you came over!" Beomgyu chimed, interrupting Taehyun's train of thought.
"I dunno Beomgyu, I think I'm gonna go home, I'm not feeling my best right now"
"...oh, are you okay?"
"Yeah I think so, I'm just feeling a little nauseous, I might just be stressed from school, but I think I need to sleep"
"Okay, well call me if you need anything! I'm right next door"
And with that they parted ways.

As Taehyun walked into his house he thought about what he just told Beomgyu. He ran to his room, and flopped down on his bed.
'Why do I feel so tired all of a sudden?'
He thought to himself.
On his and Beomgyu's walk home, he got hit with a sudden wave of tiredness, and weakness.
He wasn't sure where it came from, but he just assumed he was tired from school and decided to sleep.


Taehyun's eyes shot open. He sat up and stared at his wrists. If he thought the last time was bad, this time was even worse.
On top of that, he felt horrible. It was odd however, he didn't feel sick, but he felt so...sad?
'what is happening?!' He screamed in his head, that was starting to get a headache from the pain.
He could barley think, he was in so much pain, and it didn't seem just physical..but emotional pain as well.
He felt as if his heart had split in two, and he doesn't know why, or where it came from.
'Am I feeling my soulmate's emotions, as well as their physical pain?'
He thought
'No that doesn't make sense, you only feel their physical pain....right?'
Without hesitation, he reached for his phone and looked it up.
'What the- how is this possible?'
He read an article that explained, he was feeling his soulmate's emotions, it wasn't impossible, it was just rare.
'Why me? Why do I have to be the one to feel my soulmate's physical AND emotional pain? Why can't I be like everyone else?'

He thought about something else,
He's only felt consistent, almost unbearable pain in his wrists, and now he feels completely heartbroken..
He hoped what he thought wasn't what was actually happening, he hoped for once in his life he got it wrong
But from what has been happening there's no doubt
His soulmate needs help, and he needs to find them.

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