Stay In Your Lane

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I rolled out of bed, the springs of my years-old mattress creaking beneath me. My back ached, as did my head. My recollection of the previous night was foggy and I wasn't sure I knew who the woman was lying beside me. A pounding on the door made me wince and I rolled my eyes.
"Get up prospect, Clay's calling a meeting." Jax Teller was my least favourite person to encounter in my time with the Sons, and he happened to be Vice President of the club. Disliking him didn't give me a very good outlook with the rest of the brothers, but I didn't give a shit.

I was meant for this club.

I gave the girl laying beside me a gentle shake. "Babe, you gotta get up and clear out. I'll call you." She mumbled something incoherent as I pulled on my jeans and vest. I rolled my eyes and walked out, knowing that I wouldn't call her.

The brothers were seated around the table when I walked out; I placed myself in the corner, where I'd remain until I was officially inducted into the club. I crossed my arms over my chest, tracing my thumb over the thick bands of ink that snaked around my forearm. Clay brought the gavel down against the thick wooden table, the sound reverberating in my bones. Everyone's head snapped to attention and their eyes were focused on him, while mine were focused on our "cherished" Vice President. He drummed his fingers against the table, looking as though he has some place better to be.

Clay cleared his throat, stroking his hand over his beard. "Boys, we have to make a run into Nevada."
Everyone glanced at him, eyebrows raised.
"Into Mayan territory?" Juice asked, running his over the back of his tattooed head.
"That's a bad move." Jax stated, his blonde hair quivering as he shook his head firmly. "We've heard nothing from the Mayans in ages, no reason to stir up shit now."

"Better we strike first than them." I mumbled, tapping my fingers against my arm.
Jax turned a heat filled gaze in my direction, flexing his hands menacingly. "The fuck did you say, prospect?"
I flexed my arms, straightening out from my slumped position. "I said, better we strike first than them."

Clay put his hand on Jax's shoulder, giving him a nod. "Let him speak."
Much to my surprise, I now had the floor even though I'd been told that my opinion's didn't matter.
"You heard about their raid over in Arizona, with the Sons over a week ago. We all did. The AZ Sons didn't call us for help, but what's to say the Mayans aren't targeting all the Sons close by?"
A murmur of approval moved throughout the room and Clay glanced at me. "You really believe that?"
I shook my head, without wavering. "Absolutely."

Clay thought for a moment, glancing around the room. "Anyone have any objections?" Another murmur moved throughout the room, with everyone accept Jax shaking their head.

"Then it's settled." Clay said, raising his gavel. "We go to Nevada." The gavel banged hard against the old wood and everyone began to rise, but Clay raised his hand.

"Jax and the prospect make a trip to Arizona to talk to the Sons, the rest of us gear up." My heart sank and Jax glanced at me, raising his eyebrow in the asshole-ish way he did.

"Don't worry, prospect. I'll keep you safe."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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