Welcome Back

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 "I want to start off by welcoming all of you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," newly appointed Headmistress Minerva McGonagall announced to all the students dining in the Great Hall. "Whether you are a brand-new face to these old halls, or a survivor of the terrors this school has so recently faced, we are grateful to see you here."

Slightly less than a year after what the Daily Prophet has coined "The Battle of Hogwarts" took place at the school, the magical halls have opened back up to all. New students seeking to learn magic were sent their acceptance letters, and students who had already been enrolled at the school were sent letters stating that the school was ready to further develop their magical skills if they so chose.

Even those that were in their last year at Hogwarts when the battle occurred were given the opportunity to return and repeat their previous year, which is how the school's "Golden Trio" found themselves seated in the Great Hall. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger sat at the Gryffindor table surrounded by some of their oldest and closest friends who had returned to finish their seventh year as well, including Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, and you.

You had essentially become an honorary member of the trio as you knew Harry before either of you officially attended Hogwarts. You lived across the street from one another and you played with Harry outside, often serving as a mediator between Harry and his awful cousin, so you two were more than ecstatic when you found out you were both sent an acceptance letter to Hogwarts.

McGonagall continued her welcome speech, "It is of great importance that I stress to you all the unity Hogwarts aims to create amongst its students. There is no hiding the fact that the divide amongst houses has drastically grown over the last few years, and we hope to minimize that separation in the near future."

With these words, wondering eyes began looking around the hall and it was clear that the divide McGonagall mentioned had affected who returned to Hogwarts that year. Naturally, it seemed almost all Ravenclaws returned, as did the majority of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors, but there were a significantly less number of students at the Slytherin table. A lot of the students draped in green were eager first-years, as a lot of older students didn't want to return after everything the house experienced during the Battle of Hogwarts.

The Headmistress soon ended her welcome back speech and the feast appeared in front of the students, much to their delight, and easy conversation began to flow within the Great Hall. Ron asked his group of friends, "Do you reckon this will finally be a peaceful year at Hogwarts?"

"Ronald, you know as well as the rest of us that there is no such thing as a peaceful year at Hogwarts," Hermione responded, earning a grin from Harry and a slight laugh from you.

"A bit of wishful thinking never hurts," Ron commented, "Maybe the worst thing to happen this year will be Hufflepuff winning the Quidditch tournament, wouldn't that be something?"

Harry laughed and said, "That would be unexpected, yeah."

You and Hermione simply shook your heads at the boys' natural competitiveness and continued to enjoy the food on the table. The lot caught up with one another, Neville and Dean occasionally piping in as well, for a while until Harry's attention was caught by something else.

You were mid-conversation and were quite enjoying it when you became the first to notice Harry looking elsewhere, as you were sitting right beside him. You furrowed your eyebrows and was about to voice your concerns, when Harry said, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

Immediately, those sitting around Harry directed their gaze towards whatever distracted Harry, and they were all nearly as equally surprised as The Chosen One himself. Draco Malfoy had walked into the Great Hall, stopping short when realizing the attention that was thrown on to him.

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