The Ball

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Weeks passed by in a blur after your day with Draco in Hogsmede, the ball getting closer and closer until it was only days away. You were both excited and nervous about it for a number of reasons.

Although you told your friends that you were going to the ball with the "mystery guy" you went off to Hogsmede with, you hadn't told them that Draco was the guy they had so many questions about it. They had begun to be genuinely happy for you and ready to meet this man, so you can't imagine how they'll react when they realize who it actually is.

You had a feeling Hermione already knew and elected to stay quiet on the matter, something that you were grateful for if that were in fact the case. There was something telling you that Hermione honestly probably knew all along, since the moment you left for Hogsmede weeks ago, that it was Draco you were talking about.

This assumption came to your mind because Hermione stopped asking you questions about your mystery man a few days after your friends learned about him, while Harry and Ron still asked about him every other conversation. What really began to throw you off is when Hermione began to be more inviting to your new favorite Slytherin.

The two of you had your study date planned ahead of time and you got there early to secure your usual table and review a couple of things before Hermione arrived. It seemed Draco had figured out when you and Hermione met as he always came up to your table before she arrived.

"Well hello again," you said to Draco as he approached your table.

"Hello again," he said, taking a seat at the table, "I've got a question for you."

You were taking out a journal and one of your books as you asked, "And what's that?"

"Am I your mystery man that I keep hearing about it, or is there someone else you'd rather be going to the ball with?"

"Slytherin's talking about that too?" you questioned. You thought that it was only your friends in Gryffindor making such a big deal out of nothing, but evidently not.

Draco shrugged and told you, "I think they're only talking about it because some of them think it's me."

"Have you told anyone we're going together?" you wondered.

"The only person I really speak to besides you is Blaise, and no I haven't told him," Draco answered, "Didn't want to listen to him go on about how I should take a Greengrass, and at this point, it's only a week away, figure I'll just surprise him."

"Merlin, it's only a week away," you repeated, not realizing how close the ball actually was.

Draco nodded, nearly laughing at your realization, then asked, "Are you planning on telling Potter and friends?"

"I honestly did, but maybe I'll just surprise them too," you responded, "They're all gonna have something to say anyway, might as well put off hearing it."

"In that case, I can't wait to see the look on Potter's face this weekend," Draco said, a smug look resting on his face.

You shook your head with a slight laugh, "It's all fun and games until he's pointing his wand at your face again."

"Lucky I'll have you to protect me then," Draco commented, smiling at you when you looked over at him.

A smile spread across your lips as well, and neither of you had noticed that Hermione had been nearby, about to walk up towards the table but stopping short when seeing the two of you. She hesitated, but then approached her usual seat across from you.

You and Draco directed your attention to her. You gave her a small greeting and Draco began to stand from his seat to leave you two alone but stopped short when Hermione addressed him, "You don't have to leave, you know. You can stay, if you'd like."

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