Seasons Change

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Things began to gradually change over the next few weeks between you and Draco in a way that wasn't expected but also wasn't unwelcomed.

The next Potions class after you two were assigned as partners went by rather smoothly and you were beyond thankful for that.

"And now we wait," Draco said to you after you placed the last few ingredients into the cauldron.

He waved his wand over the cauldron as you turned to face him, "I don't recall this much waiting around while brewing."

"Potions requires a lot of patience,"  Draco told you, setting his wand down and facing you as well.

You spoke before you realized what you were saying, "And who would've thought Draco Malfoy would be such a patient being?"

"You'd be surprised," Draco muttered, you almost missing those words.

You tried to steer away from any odd tension and attempted to make a joke, "I suppose dealing with Parkinson all those years helps to build that up."

"She definitely had her moments, yeah," Draco said after a slight scoff.

"Why didn't she come back?" you curiously asked, daring to add, "I thought she'd follow you to the ends of the earth forever."

"Maybe when we were together," your eyebrows furrowed and you clearly wanted to know more. Draco turned away from you, checking on your potion as he continued, "We had different viewpoints of the world and that became very obvious after everything that happened. She was so closed-minded and stubborn about hers that I decided it'd be best to call it off."

Pansy Parkinson's perspective on the world wasn't exactly a secret. She had held onto the belief that purebloods were superior and believed in a lot of what the Dark Lord and his followers had to say. Hearing that Draco had probably changed his own mindset washed you with a sort of wave of relief.

His gaze fell upon you, trying to measure how you were taking that new bit of information. Your kind eyes met his as you delicately spoke, "Maybe some things are better left in the past after all."

It didn't take too long for Draco to start interacting with you outside of class either, only without any malicious intent this time. Something you would've deemed nearly impossible a few years prior.

"Practicing up on your Potions, L/N?" Draco asked you, approaching the table you sat at as you waited for Hermione to meet you in the library.

You tore your attention away from the book you were skimming and looked up at the blonde to sarcastically reply, "Only the best for my beloved Potions partner."

"Serves you right," Draco said with a smirk, leaning against the table near you rather than taking a seat. He continued, "Don't work yourself too hard though, can't have you running late for class again."

"Oh please, that was one time and as I recall it, you were late too," you countered, looking up at him in disbelief.

He leaned down towards you a bit as he spoke, "As a direct result of your tardiness."

A slight laugh escaped your lips as you told him, "No one forced you to wait outside for me just to muster out a half-assed thank you, Malfoy."

"Thank you," Draco earnestly said, his eyes never leaving yours.

You clearly weren't expecting the simple two words, your furrowing eyebrows making that apparent. E/C eyes searched his grey ones as you whispered a very soft, "What?"

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