chapter 24

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Flashback (3 years ago)

I had just turned 13, it's been 5 months since dad died and my mom recently found out that I've been buying drugs at my school,the principal obviously found out and snitched on me. I dont have any friends and well...i like it that way.

I was walking through the hallway,getting the rest of my books from my locker when someone shoved it closed. "Well well well,if it isn't y/n l/n." A girl named Maddy said and crossed her arms. There were two girl's standing beside her. "What do you want Maddy?" I asked irritatedly but softly. Suddenly,she hit the books out of my hand and let it fall on the floor. "Do not talk to me like that you little bitch!" Maddy shouted causing some of the children in the hallway to look at me. I attempted to pick up my books but then Maddy pushed me causing me to fall on the floor. The two girls beside her started laughing and the children in the hallway where giggling. I moved to the back while still sitting on the floor and my eye's started tearing. "Im s-sorry okay...i-i don't want to start any trouble." I pleaded and tears started falling down my face. Maddy scrunched down and stared coming more closer to my face," You're not causing trouble,you're whole existence is trouble." She came even more closer,"You would do the entire world a favour if you just dissapeared from existence." She continued and then lifted herself up,"But you know what,don't kill yourself. That will just be punishing you're dad if he had to ever see you again." Maddy said and started walking away,her two friends where bursting out with laughter and walked after her. I was still sitting on the floor in the middle of the hallway,everyone was watching me,talking about me,laughing at me,high fiving Maddy for what she had accomplished. Tears were racing down my face and i was sobbing out loud,no one came to help me,no one asked if i was okay,no one was there for me. That was when i realized...people are snakes,they enjoy watching you break down,but i wasn't going to let that happen to me,i wasn't going to let them win. I was going to defend myself,i was going to be independent,i was going to stand for what's right,no matter the circumstances. I stood up from the floor i was sitting on and ran over to Maddy. I body slammed her and sat on top her and just started punching her. I shouted while i was punching her,all that anger,sadness,hatred and loneliness came out through my fists and onto her face. I felt arms dragging me off her and i started kicking her,whatever chance i got to hurt Maddy,i did it until i was completely away from her.
Two boys managed to pull me away from her by carring me by my arms. They were taking me to the principal's office,i didn't fight back because at that moment...i was completely numb,i didn't move a single muscle. But it was at that moment i realized that i had a temper....a temper that cannot be controlled. Not even by me.

I finally got Aidan in the passenger seat of my car and just before i was able to get in my car and leave this hell hole,i heard a voice thats almost too familiar call out to me,"Y/n?? What are you doing here?"

I turn around to face...Maddy. "What the hell do you want Maddy?" I asked irritatedly. "I was coming to visit my dear friend Austin,he told me Aidan would be here". She replied. "You know he has a girlfriend right?" I said while pointing at myself. She glanced at my car and saw Aidan passed out in my car. "Not for long,you cheated on Aidan....which is honestly very suppressing." She scoffed. "I didn't cheat on Aidan,it was a misunderstanding...and he knows that now!" I snapped at her.
She just laughed out of sarcasm. "Wow,you really softened up didn't you?" I gave her a confused look,"What?" was all i was able to say. "You're becoming a softie y/n,which is going to ruin you're badass bitch reputation." She sassed. I scoffed and walked closer to her. "You see that's the difference between us two." I said but Maddy just looked confused. "I don't give a shit about my reputation,meanwhile you always find a way to stay on top. I try my best to help people feel better about themselves while you try to break them down for you're own amusement. But where's that going to take you when you're done with school?" Maddy couldn't answer me and she just stood there silent with her usual bitch face. "Nowhere!" I stated. "So what you can do,is just stop criticizing people because it's a complete waste of time."
Maddy just continued looking at me,i could see for a moment that she actually thought about what i had said,she jumped out of the zone and pointed her finger at my chest. "Don't ever tell me what to do you little bitch." She snapped and started walking into the house that i brought Aidan out of. I sighed and got into my car,i looked at Aidan who was still passed out on the passenger seat. I buckled up his seat belt and continued to look at him. "Why come here Aidan? Out of all rich hell holes you choose to come here?" I asked Aidan but he obviously didn't reply since he was completely knocked out from all the alcohol. I drove to my house because i didn't want his parents to see how he looked. I actually felt guilty because im practically the reason why his in this state in the first place.
I got home and unlocked the door,my mom and Stacy weren't at home because they went shopping and is only coming back tonight. It was actually supposed to be a girls day out but i didn't go because well....i ran after Aidan. I helped Aidan into my house and dropped him on my bed. I came back downstairs,took a blanket with me,sat on the couch with the blanket over me and decided to watch some TV.

A few hours passed and i checked the time. It was 5:25pm. Just as i put my phone down i noticed Aidan coming downstairs with his hand on his head groaning in pain. "Pour yourself some water,there's some painkillers in the kitchen cupboard." I said not bothered to look back at Aidan.
Suddenly i felt someone coming to sit next to me and move closer to me. I moved away and brought the blanket more closer to my chest. "What's wrong?" Aidan asked. I scoffed and faced in his direction,im actually surprised that he had the audacity to ask whats wrong. "What's wrong? What wrong?! What wrong is that i had to drive to some rich friend of your's,find you drunk with some girl sitting on you're lap,fight the girl because she tried to shove me,got approached by Maddy,bringing you here and then come and sit next to me almost like nothing happened!! That is what's wrong" I shouted at Aidan. "Well what did you expect to do after i saw that picture of you and Jordan?" He argued back. "What did i expe- I expected you to come and talk to me and asked ask me what's going on." Aidan then stood up from the couch. "You know what? I dont have for this,im leaving!" He snapped and walked out of the door. I ran stood in the doorway as he was walking away. "Fine! Go! I don't give a fuck about you anyway!!" I shouted by the doorway causing the neighbors to look at me. "You young kids are so ruthless nowadays." A lady from next door spoke up while she was watering some plants in her front yard. "Mind you're own damn business or I'll burn you're garden!" I pointed and snapped at the lady causing her to give out a loud gasp. I went back inside and slammed the door.

I ran upstairs to my room,looked under my bed for some wine. I took out a bottle and started opening it. I immediately got the smell of the alcohol as i opened the bottle. Before i could get the bottle on my lips and drown all my sorrows i turned to the window and saw my mom's car pulling up infront of our house. "Ohh shit!" I muttered and quickly closed the bottle and shoved it back under my bed. I quickly ran downstairs and sat on the couch. My mom and Stacy then came in with lots of clothing bags in their hands. "You two are back early." I stated with a fake smile. "Yeah the places was just too full so we decided to come back earlier." My mom said while going upstairs to place some of the bags in her room. "We got some clothes for you too." Stacy said with a cheerful smile and handed out two bags to me. "Thanks." I said with a straight face. My mom came downstairs and saw the unpleasant reaction i had on my face. "Is everything everything okay y/n?" My mom asked but looked like didn't really care."Yeah,im just gonna head upstairs." I ran upstairs into my room and placed the clothing bags on my bed. I took out my phone and decided to call the only other person i could go to.

"Hey Josie. Can i come over?"

Once again!!!! After this chapter all the other chapters got mixed up so make sure that your reading the right one. I tried to fix it by table of contents but unfortunately there's no luck there.

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