The Final Perception

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"Click.. click.."

That sound.... Ughh, my hands, my whole body feels just do numb. I couldn't open my eyes, not yet. But by my instincts, I knew I was in a dark room, with strong light sputtering on my eyes from afar.

I tried moving my arms, but to no avail. I felt something tied around me. Mnghh, what had happened?

I tried to recall what happened to me, still keeping my eyes shut, as I lost the potential to snap them open.

Ahh, that bastard... injected his syringe into... my nape. It pains still now. And my wrist and shoulder were wounded.

I needed to know where I am, but my eyes just wouldn't cooperate. Then I again heard that noise....

"Click.. click.. click.. click..."

I snapped my eyes open, the light was too strong, the blue radiation penetrating into my eyes almost left me blind.

I glanced my eyes around the room. It was pretty dark, with the blue light coming just from the front. And I saw... something, rather someone sitting there...

 something, rather someone sitting there

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"Click.. click.. click.. click..."

It was Naoki, typing on his keyboard, with the huge screen in front of him. I looked at my shoulder, the blood had dried, my purple coat was stained with dried blood... And my golden hair also. I tried to have a glance at my wrist, but my hands were tied at the back.

I tried to untie the knot, making minimum noise as possible.

"So you're finally awake I see."

I just kept on trying to untie my rope.

"It is all in vain. You will never be able to break from that special rope which I made just for tying you" he smirked.

He got up from his chair and came close to me. He lifted my chin up. "You look better now. That soft skin of yours, that exquisite hair, and that innocent blue eyes.... Ahh, it makes me want to snatch them out from your sockets and maje them my bedroom's incandescent bulbs" he finished off.

"You jerk! You'll pay for what you are doing!" I shrieked out.

"You loud mouthed bastard! You'll pay me... with your blood. And no use of crying for help. This is my dormitory, no one knows the address here.

"Well, I know"

"That's why I have to dispose you off as soon as possible. You know a lot, and that's what will cost you."

I gritted my teeth, while still trying to break free from the rope.

"Looks like my special medicine worked well. You were out for almost an entire day and seem quite weak than before" he laughed away.

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