When they reached the floor with the team on it, Spencer shared their findings from Garcia's office.
"My theory is that perhaps the prostitute is going after the men whose wives he had affairs with, punishing them for 'stealing' their wives back, and leaving the wives in the house for choosing their significant other over him," Reid explained.
"There's also the Vegas perspective, They went to Vegas about 2 weeks ago, they could've met someone there," JJ added.
"Have Garcia look at both, but I am interested in the prostitution theory," Rossi said. Hotch nodded in agreement.
"The pimp went to jail, and the man Mrs. Mowan was having an affair with lives in Tampa," Reid informed.
"JJ, Morgan, I want you to interview the pimp, Alex and Rossi will check out the prostitute, and Reid, work on a geographic profile," Hotch ordered. Ada was looking about the room, but she felt eyes on her. She glanced around the room and her eyes stopped on Spencer.
She saw his eyes, and that they weren't pitiful, or condescending. They seemed to seep a new undiscovered emotion, closely linked to sadness, with a twinge on condolence. Ada wondered why. It seemed to be linked to his loss, but not the death itself. Her eyebrows furrowed. She was inquisitive by nature which annoyed many, but it seemed to be a desirable quality in the BAU.
Spencer finally saw the questioning eyes of Adelaide resting on him. He let out a small chuckle that was barely noticed by Ada, and went completely over the head of the team. Ada shot him a 'what are you thinking of?' look, which Reid answered with a shake of his head, conveying that they couldn't talk right now. Ada nodded in understanding.
The team split up, and went their separate ways, and Spencer headed over to Ada.
"What were you thinking about?" Ada asked immediately. Spencer sighed.
"Nothing much. Cases similar to this are difficult, and this unsub is devolving," Reid answered. Ada nodded, knowing it was more than that.
"So how do you perform a geographic profile? Mr. Rossi never mentioned them in his novels," Ada questioned.
"We have to take into account all of the crime scenes, and measure their distance from each other and victimology. It's used to create a blast zone, where the unsub may target again, and to approximate the base of operations," Spencer explained, leading her away from the bullpen and into a large room. The room had a full wall of window, and a large desk in the center of it that made up the majority of the room, an a clear dry-erase board.
Spencer quickly got to work setting up a map of Central-West Florida on the opposite side of the board, and started marking the crime scenes. Ada sat down in a seat, and watched the Doctor work. Ada flinched slightly as Reid hesitated in marking her address, but kept a stone face the rest of the time.
"So anyone in the surrounding area could be the next victim?" Ada probed.
Reid shook his head, scrunching up his nose.
"Not always, they try and plan the murders randomly, but there's always a pattern of not staying too close to the old scenes," Reid explained. Ada nodded at the logic.
"So the most probable points would be halfway markers?" Ada thought out loud. Reid nodded proudly.
"Precisely," Reid said. He paused in the middle of marking the most recent site, and he went into his tawny messenger bag and retrieved Anna Karenina from the depths of the full bag, and placed the novel in front of Ada on the table.

Spencer Finally Catches a Break
FanficSet roughly eight months after the death of Maeve, Spencer believes he has lost all chance of having children. he had always wanted a partner to have throughout life, and children to enrich it, but without Maeve he felt like every chance of that is...