Meet and greet

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"Ok, so any ideas on how to get us home?" Said Donnie interrupting the moment, "already on it," said Hana tapping her T-phone, "you Donatello, follow me into the lab," Donnie did what she said and followed.
"And the rest of you," Irrilia said putting her hands on her hips pondering, "maybe you should show us if you can be useful or not."
The kids led the turtles through the sewer tunnels as they came to their destination. "Question, why are we here?" Demanded Raph impatiently, "Shhh!" Whispered Irrilia, "Don't wake him up." Leo looked confused, "wake who up?"
Just as the words escaped his mouth they heard a rumbling sound from the huge sewer cave ahead. The kid's got their weapons out and stood at the ready, as a huge Godzilla like looking monster came out of the cave. "Looks like he's awake Rils!" Yelled Vincent freaking out while clutching his mace, "don't worry, we got this," answered Irrilia looking at the monster in the eyes as she held her giant sai Katana in both hands. The monster roared as it breathed a gigantic flame.
Irrilia looked back at the others, "we gotta sustain him!" She yelled back, "Kiba, you and Thalos take the front, try to force him backwards!"
"Don't have to tell me twice," said Thalos smirking as he activated his Plasma sword and charged, "lets do this cuz!" Yelled Kiba after him with snake arms at the ready.
"Wait, what are we supposed to do yo?!" Mikey yelled at them, "you guys are with me and Vince," said Irrilia running with her cousin towards the beast, "we take the head!"
"Are you kidding me?" Said Leo looking at them, "those kids are crazy!"
"Those kids are awesome!" Yelled Mikey and Raph as they ran over to join them. Leo face palmed himself As he took out his Katana's and ran to help them out.
Kiba and Thalos were having medium success in forcing the beast backwards, though he was a little too big to even notice their attacks.
Irrilia jumped up to the monsters shell and grabbed onto one of its huge spikes with one hand, and started to climb. It was hard for her to stay steady when the monster was constantly shaking around because of Kiba and Thalos's attacks. She was almost at the top of the head when one of the spikes she was holding onto snapped as she slipped down the shell letting out a short scream before she was caught by Vincent. "Phew, thanks Vince," she breathed as she was hoisted onto the head. The monster roared and reared as it saw them, and attempted to shake them off, But Vincent and Irrilia managed to hold on by grabbing onto the head spikes as the turtles came up with them. "This a habit of yours?" Asked Raph sarcastically, "getting into fights with huge hungry wonderbeasts?"
"Once you know that your parents have A LOT of enemies and they're constantly trying to kill you, you get used to it," said Vincent while holding on for dear life.
Irrilia looked down at her brother and cousin, "Thalos! Kiba! Now!" She yelled down at them. Thalos and Kiba nodded, as Kiba stretched her snake arms as far as they could go wrapping them around the monsters two back legs, sending him to the ground.
Irrilia stood on the monsters snout and gently pet his forehead, "calm down chompy, its me Irrilia," she said comfortingly.
The monster slowly calmed down and started to nuzzle her gently as Irrilia giggled.
The turtles jumped down from the monster along with Vincent as they looked at it confused. "Hold up, so this giant Godzilla monster," said Mikey pointing to it, "is your pet?!"
"Well, he's not really mine," said Irrilia jumping down from chompy's snout, "he technically belongs to our dad," added Thalos. He stroked chompys nose as he nuzzled up to him, "his name is Chompy, Chompy Picasso."
Raph looked as if he had a heart attack as he tried to look like everything is normal.
"I'm sorry could you excuse me and my bros for one minute please?" He said as he dragged Leo and Mikey over to a corner.
"Somethings wrong here guys," he said anxiously as he looked back at Chompy for a moment, "for the first in a long time, Raph might be right," agreed Leo.
"What makes you say that?" Asked Mikey looking confused, "seems like a perfectly normal alternate dimension to me."
"Think about it," said Leo pondering, "these guys are mutants, live in the sewers AND our lair, and they say that THEY'RE the Hamato clan,"
"Plus, they've got a huge version of Chompy,"added Raph.
"So what's happenin?" Asked Mikey curiously.
"I know it might sound crazy," said Leo, "but I think these kids are related to us somehow,"
"Or crazier..." added Raph thinking for a moment, "they could even be...OUR Kids!"

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