Chapter Five ~ No Doubt About That

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Todoroki's POV (Finally)

"She's all I've got left in the world, so I cherish my time with her." Saki said, pinching her little sister's cheeks. "She's a little wild card, you know."

She glanced up at me and I nodded.

"Hi there!" The little girl announced, waving away her older sister's hands. "I'm Haruka! I'm Akiara's little sister." Haruka grinned at me.

"It's nice to meet you, Haruka. Uh-- is it okay if I call you that?" I asked her.

Saki nodded. "Yes. And I think it would be fine if you started calling me Akiara." I nodded again. Man, all I'm doing is nodding.

They looked so much alike.

Haruka's dirty blonde hair bounced around as she moved, just like her older sister's. While Akiara's hair was long, Haruka's hair only reached her shoulders, but in the same waves as her sister's. Haruka had cerulean blue eyes that seemed to sparkle every ten seconds. Sure, they both had different hair and eye colors, but they had the same physical features as well.

They both had a small, round and perfect nose. Their ears were a perfect shape, like half of a heart. Their eyes were both round and wide, and smile lines were permanently plastered near them. They both seemed to be incredibly smiley and happy, as if there was nothing wrong with the world, and if I'm being honest, I envy that happiness.

Akiara on the other hand, had long ash blonde hair that reached her rib cage, cascading down her back in perfect waves. Her eyes were an airforce blue, the color of the sky during a stormy day, just as I had described it today in class. Akiara had these giant pearl white wings, and a golden halo above her head. Haruka didn't have a halo, but she did have wings. They weren't giant and majestic like Akiara's though. Hers were tiny, only about a foot long. They looked more like a decoration than a part of her body.

"-oki? Todoroki?" Akiara was saying, now standing up off the ground. Apparently, she had been calling my name for a while.

"Oh! Sorry. I was just thinking." I said.

Akiara nodded. "I could tell."

"You could tell?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Mhm." She nodded. "It's obvious when someone is deep in thought." She began to explain. "Their eyes kind of gloss over, and they stare at nothing in particular. Their bottom lip curls, and sometimes they bite it with their teeth, which shows they are thinking about something they worry about. Some people slouch when they're thinking, or put their hands in their pockets, or fiddle with their fingers." She put a hand on Haruka's shoulder. "This little squirt is one of the ones who fiddle. She moves her thumbs in a circular motion until the distracting thought passes."

I had to admit, she was very observant. I wonder which one of the things she had caught me doing, since I never paid any attention to myself during times like that. I was only thinking about... well what I was thinking about.

Akiara noticed something behind me and her eyes lit up again. "Hey, why don't I go get some ice cream for us all?"

"OOOO YEAH!" Haruka said, bouncing up and down. Akiara grinned and kissed Haruka on the top of the head.

"I'll be back in a minute. Why don't you two get to know each other?" Akiara said as she was about to walk away but then she stopped and turned to me. "Oh, Todoroki. What flavor would you like?"

I shrugged. "I don't mind."

"Alrighty then, I'll surprise you." She said with a wink, and strode away.

"Sooooooo..." Haruka trailed off, inviting me to sit next to her on the bench. "What's your name? I've never even heard Akiara talk about you, yet you two seem to know each other."

"My name is Shoto Todoroki." I said. "I'm in Akiara's class at UA."

Haruka's eyes lit up. "Is she having fun there?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Of course. Why wouldn't she? She's the most lively person I've ever met."

Haruka sighed gratefully. "Akiara was so nervous about going to UA. She was worried that she wouldn't become a good hero because of her healing quirk. She's also been desperately struggling with getting us money. She has three part-time jobs to try and support us."

"Couldn't your parents' salaries help with the money problems?" I asked.

Haruka shook her head violently. "They uhm... they died a year ago."

My eyes widened with shock. "Oh... I'm so sorry for bringing that up... it must be a hard topic for you to talk about." I tried to change the subject. "You said Akiara had a healing quirk? What is it?"

Haruka smiled. "She can transfer the injuries of others to herself. It's very useful." Then her smile faded. "Although... She is very careless with it. One time when I was younger, I had tripped and fell off the porch of our house, breaking my arm in the process. Without thinking, Akiara transferred it to herself. My arm was completely healed, and I felt no pain. Akiara on the other hand, squealed out and started to cry. It's always so sudden, when she takes on an injury. Not only does she feel the pain of the injury itself, but the pain of how the victim had gotten it."

It was hard to imagine Akiara crying. I had always only seen her with a smile on her face, except for when I told her she had missed my ball throw, and when she heard she might be getting expelled.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll come to her senses and be more careful with her quirk. I'm sure she'll be a great hero. Besides, Recovery Girl is a hero with a healing quirk. So no doubt Akiara can also become a hero." I reassured Haruka, giving her a pat on the back.

She smiled a toothy grin that reminded me a lot of Akiara. "You're really nice, Todoroki."

I scratched the back of my neck. "Thanks I guess..."

"I'm back, guys!" Akiara called to us, handing Haruka an ice cream cone with chocolate in it.

"Mmmm! Yummy! Thanks, sissy!" Haruka said as she licked her ice cream.

"Here ya go, Todoroki." Akiara said to me, and handed me a vanilla bean ice cream in a bowl. "I wasn't quite sure what you'd like, but I assumed you'd prefer something simple but still with a delectable taste.

"Thank you, Akiara." I stated politely, picking up the tiny spoon placed inside the bowl, scooping up some ice cream.

"Sissy, do you wanna try some of mine?" Haruka offered to Akiara, who kindly declined.

"No thanks, squirt. You know I don't like chocolate." She said.

My eyes widened slightly. She doesn't like chocolate? What's up with that?  "Could I ask... why you don't like chocolate?"

Akiara nodded to say it was fine I had asked. "It's just so... rich. I don't know. I'll eat it if it has something else in it... like caramel or peanut-butter."

Haruka indicated Akiara's ice cream. It was a yellowish green, and gummy bear toppings decorated it as it sat in the white bowl. "She LOVES lemon and lime flavored things, though. Hence her ice cream. Not to mention the gummy bears. That's literally all she eats."

Akiara nodded. "It's true. When..." She shook her head and continued. "If I ever become a hero, I'll make sure to have a pack of gummy bears with me at all times, to make the little kiddos happy." She ruffled Haruka's hair again. "Everyone loves a sugary treat once and awhile, and what's better than receiving one from a pro hero?"

I frowned slightly. The way she had paused after saying when, and then switched to saying if, gave me a sad feeling. She felt like she wasn't ever going to achieve her dream of becoming a hero. Which made me mad, because if anyone had a chance, she did. No doubt about that. 

Thanks for reading, y'all! And thanks for giving this book a chance!

"Don't worry about what other people think. Hold your head up high and plunge forward." ~Izuku Midoriya

More like Izukuwu Midowiya XD What a wittle cutie he is. (^W^)


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