Prompt 2 #2 - Failing under weight (Bad Ending)

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Warnings: Suicide, Descriptions of Gore.


"Join us, Dream."  Schlatt extends a hand. Dream is going to hate himself for this- even more than he already does. 

He takes Schlatts hand, an unspoken promise to himself to protect them by becoming the villain.


Dream hates himself, even if in the end they got their happy ending. He played his part as the villain well, too well.

Failed Promises, Broken Hearts.

Dream isn't sure there's much tethering him to this existence anymore, he muses looking down upon the now peaceful L'manberg.


"Dream..." Dream hears the low voice of Tubbo- who was captured.

Dream grunts slightly, to let Tubbo know he heard him.

"Why?" The 16 year old's voice was weak, but firm.

"Because. I wanted to." That was maybe 1/6th of the truth. Dream lost sight of the full reason, the full plan but he knows his endgame.

"You're a monster." He hisses. Dream smiles brokenly under his mask, "I know."


Monster, it fits.

Dream knows he is seen as a monster, Dream finds himself agreeing, edging closer to the edge, fiddling with the potion that would able him to free them from the shackles his existence creates.

Dream lays back, that cloud looks like a coffin. heh. Ironic.


Dream freezes.


"Dream." Wilbur's voice, harsh devoid of all affection that once was, after he had heard Dream's betrayal and reason.

"Wilbur." Dream's confident drawl easily rebuts. An undertone of something unnoticeable that it was hiding

"You're an asshole Dream!" Screeches Tommy, holding Tubbo.

I'm sorry, he wanted to say, I'm so fucking sorry.

But he couldn't. So he didn't.


"Wilbur." Dream stands up, heels mere inches from the edge, potion in hand incase Wilbur tries anything.

"What are you doing." Wilbur asks, unsure looking at the murky potion in his hand.

Dream smiles mask off, eyes full of hatred- for what Wilbur isn't sure.

"It's called Perma Potion." Dream recites, a dull drawl compared to the one usually full of life.

"It enables Permadeath." Wilbur snaps his head away from the potion, meeting Dream's eyes.

"No.." Wilbur's voice was soft, taking a hesitant step forwards, Dream stumbles backwards nearly falling before catching himself.

"I'm sorry, it was the only way for me to stop Schlatt from hurting everyone permanently." Dream says, looking at Wilbur, Dull green meeting Sad brown. 

"I hate myself. There's nothing left for me here," "Dream please don't do this." "Wilbur. You shouldn't let feelings distract you from what I've done."

"You did it because you believed it would end things right?" Wilbur was barely holding himself back from going forwards and grabbing Dream away as he knew he wouldn't be fast enough.

Dream downs the bottle in record time. Wilbur steps forwards as Dream steps off. 

Wilbur launches himself forwards barely missing Dream's wrist. "DREAM!" He shouts, halfway between a scream and a sob.


Falling was peaceful Dream thought. The wind gently caressing his falling body, freeing the others from the burden of his existence.

It was selfish.

But Monsters like Dream are selfish? Aren't they.



Tommy hears what sounds like Wilbur call from above, not even five seconds before a wash of red splatters across the place. 

Dream better not ha-

Tommy stops and stares. 

Dream's body in the center of the place, blood splashing Niki, George, Quackity, Techno and Tommy who were the closest.

It was a morbid sight, Dream's skull was cracked and partially caved in, blood coating him everywhere, his mask off, on his face a broken smile, Dream blinked once. He was still alive, Tommy turned to puke.

Dream's legs were obviously broken, arms twisted in unnatural position. 

All that came out of Dreams mouth was a gurgle. Blood leaking everywhere.

It was a second before George, Sapnap and Bad had gone to the body, Bad picked up the potion bottle before smelling it.

"Perma Potion..." Bad says, voice weak, collapsing beside Dream.

"He's not coming back."


Years later, people wonder about the grave in the middle of town. 

Wonder why the villain got any respect.

I mean, the Villain Deserved it? Right?


Okay this wasn't as good as the last one and I didn't really like it but whatever-

Sorry for the description of gore even though it sucked.

Uhh Dream didn't off himself in the Bittersweet version because he lost himself, so he didn't know whether he hated himself and wanted to die.

He could really only bring himself to listen.

In this Dream played more part of the Villain. And drowned in hatred.

I'll make part 2 to the Bittersweet ver.

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