!! How You Met

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  ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ How you met༻Fem!Reader

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  ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ How you met

•  you were 12 when you went Scuba diving with your parents into the great Coral Sea to go looking for beautiful fishes together

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•  you were 12 when you went Scuba diving with your parents into the great Coral Sea to go looking for beautiful fishes together

• you dove too deep and saw a small rough looking cave with two mermen blocking it saying rude things towards seemingly nothing to your viewpoint

• you swam towards it and looked inside the cave to get a better view despite the weird looks exchanged between the two mermen

• peeking inside you saw a small octopus scared and hiding with tears daring to flow out of its eyes

• you casted a simple water breathing spell and asked the chubby octopus if he was okay

• he only cried before looking up to see you weren't one of them

• "hey what's your name and what're you crying over?"

• "...A-Azul"

• "Cool name it's pretty my name is y/n I'm not from here I live on land"

• "uwah your so amazing" he had blushed a bit

• "thanks little seashell I have to go though I'll ask my parents to come back here some time!"

• "o-okay please come back y/n!" he peered out the cave and you swam back to the surface to find your parents

• "Where'd you go kid?" you dad helped you out of the sea

• "I met a new friend can we go back sometime!?"

• "Sure sweetie what's their name?" your mother asked wringing her wet hair

• "His name is Azul and he is an octo-mer isn't he so cool!?"

• "She's already all grown up" your dad got teary eyed

• "Stop that" your mother swatted at him

• "What?"

• "Nothing sweetie live your innocent childhood!"

• "Nothing sweetie live your innocent childhood!"

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