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ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ Confessions ༻Fem!Reader

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ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ Confessions

• it was a windy day and the breeze pushed your hair back into the ebb of the wind

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• it was a windy day and the breeze pushed your hair back into the ebb of the wind

• Azul was floating in the body of water next to you as you just dipped your only feet in

• "y/n can I ask you a question?"

• "What's up Azul"

• "Do you perhaps...like anyone?"

• "Pfft if you mean like a crush-wise then why are you concerned?"

• "E-eh it's nothing never mind "

• "Neh Azul what about you?"

• "No way you answer first!"

• "ah fine sure I like someone now please answer me!"

• Upon hearing your words his face got a bit red as he nodded his head

• "Nice I bet it's me!" you happily pointed towards yourself

• His eyes grew wide with a howdidyouknowohmygod look on his face

• "ah I was just joking you don't have to be so taken aback heheh"

• "y-you were joking..?" he felt a little reassured but sad as well

• "Why do you actually have a crush on me?"

• ".......Would it be bad if I did?" he mustered all the courage and confidence he had to ask

• "Of course not because that would mean my crush on you would be wrong" a smile spread across your face

• He stares at you for a while before registering that you were serious in this matter

• "You okay there 'zul ?"

• "Y-y-you"

• "oh my bad I should probably leave you to think on it-"

• "N-no please!"

• A puzzled expression displayed on your features before Azul finished his statement

• "I accept y/n" he changed his shaken up tone

• "Amazing today is a great day for me I stubbed my toe, forgot my homework at home and now my crush reciprocates my feelings what a turn around"

• "...."

• "Sorry I ruined the mood huh Azul anyways...."

• A flash stunned his eyes as the moment synced into your phone

• "heheh my new lock screen!" you showed your phone to your new found octomer boyfriend

• "No I wasn't even looking retake it!" he flushed trying to retrieve your phone

• "Nope nope mine now nehehe!"

• "Y/N!"

• "Y/N!"

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