: request : amusement park

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Requested by dreamdai

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Requested by dreamdai


• "I don't have time his week perhaps another time dear?"

• This was fine since you had just went out a couple of weeks ago and with all of the work and responsibilities he would be busy all the time

• "Alright but tell me if you want some funnel cake or maybe a deep fried Oreo, caramel apples are good to y'know.."

• "W-wait maybe I could take some time off-"

• "Did you want the twins to come with us I can go ask real quick"

• "They're most definitely busy let's go!"

• "I didn't even get to ask!"

• Azul has a well known phobia of heights and is terribly afraid to even fly on his broom so rollercoasters are a no-go for him

• Mans literally only came for the food the park serves

• You guys walk around a lot so he can 'reduce the calories he ate'

• You play some of the kiosk games while Azul more over bribes the prizes from them

• "Look what I won!" "But you didn't win that-"

• With Azul it's a 'I'm going there for my cheat day' or 'I have work sorry reschedule please'

*Sorry for the short length I might go back to add more later*


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