Chapter 2: Mutsuki Sucks!

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Wow, that was fast! I didn't expect that, but at least whoever they were, they didn't lie. I looked down and saw that I was wearing street clothes. How nice of the game to put me in clothes for me.

I looked around, now knowing that I wasn't standing in my pajamas, and saw that I was standing on the WoWs docks. In the water next to me, was my selected ship. A fully life-sized ship.

My first thought was "Can I ride it?" and so I started looking for a way into the ship

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My first thought was "Can I ride it?" and so I started looking for a way into the ship. On my way around the ship to the other side, I came across a strange looking building. Didn't quite look like the other ones. I took a closer look and on the front of the building was a screen instead of a window.

As I got closer I could see that the screen was the actual in-game menu screen, the one you see while you're choosing your ship. The big red Battle button on the top, the currently selected ship in the middle of the screen, the statistics of said ship and all of the available ships you can choose from, at the bottom of the screen.

I also noticed that there was not a pause button with the settings at the top-left of the screen, there was no account button and no selection of a battle type.

I was standing infront of this screen and wanted to see if I could interact with it, so I tapped on the japanese tier V destroyer Mutsuki, my favorite ship to use. When I tapped on it the ship changed into the Mutsuki meaning it was touch-screen.

Why is there no battle type? I turned around to see that the life-sized version of the ship in the water had changed into the Mutsuki. I can probably ride it. I thought and without any patience, I tapped the Battle button.

My surroundings turned into squares that slowly disappeared one-by-one into white. I was now standing in a white void. After a couple of seconds, squares with what seemed like an ocean on them, appeared and started building onto one another like a puzzle.

In the same time it took the port to disappear, these squares had built an ocean with a cloudless sky above. I couldn't see my ship though. I could see ship's HP in the lower left corner of my vision. I had 10,800 HP. I could also see the ammo type I was using at the bottom. I only had HE Shells. And 2 single-barrel main batteries.

Had my ship not rendered yet? I thought until I looked down and saw that I had two sets of torpedo launchers with 3 torpedo tubes each, attached to my thighs. I was holding a main battery from the Mutsuki in my right hand like a handgun. I also saw that I had rudders and propellers on my shoes.

"Am I in an anime now?" I asked myself and the first anime that came to mind was Azur Lane. Hopefully I don't meet the Azur Lane Mutsuki because she'll annihilate me. Anyway, how do I operate the propellers and rudders? And there I was, standing in open water, not knowing how to move myself.

I stood there for a couple of seconds wondering why the game didn't give me a user manual for the rigging, when something in front of me caught my eye. A red circle that looked like a portal started forming. And out from the portal came black ship-looking things with red stripes on them.

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