Another day

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Ok please forgive me if this is awful. I'm starting with this as my first fanfic, I also may take long periods of time to publish a new chapter. Thanks! (I also don't own any art I put here unless I say I do)



Hi guys! It's meeee, Junii! I am also working on this! Yayy... don't be mad.

  You wake up, rub your tired eyes, and sit up on your bed. As you look at the clock you see that it is 3am.

   Great... you think. Now I'm gonna be awake for the rest of the day! You sighed as you recalled your repulsive habit of never going back to sleep.

   You swing your legs over the side of your bed and stand up. Stretching, you walk over to your closet and pull out your outfit for the day- just a simple shirt and pants. After you get dressed and shower, you head to the living room of your cozy apartment.

    Flopping onto the small couch, you turn on the TV. Your favorite news anchor, and best friend, Vicky, is live. Your green haired, Fox tailed, pointed rabbit eared friend was finishing up a story.

  "And now the weather!" her sweetly high pitched voice says.

  You're proud of her for over coming her anxiety and social awkwardness, but you can tell that she is nervous as one of her ears starts to flop over her face. But you had faith in her. She had worked all her life for that position, and you had confidence that she wasn't going to mess up.

  "Aw, Vicky..." you sigh to yourself. "You don't need to be so nervous." You knew she couldn't hear you, but supported her nevertheless. She honestly deserved it.

Vicky was your best friend ever since monsters came up from the underground. This wasn't too recent; maybe 5 or so years ago. You had met the demon at a party and you two just clicked.

  Chuckling, you remember the moment when you first met her. She was so flustered. But after a few hours of being around you and talking, she grew more comfortable, showing her hidden personality. Once you got past her awkwardness, she was funny and strange.

  "...killing five people."

  Drawn out of your thoughts, you saw Vicky again. She was talking about a monster protest that had turned violent. Her usually upbeat tone is morbid.

  Seeing as she looks like she is about to cry, you whisper to her, even if she can't hear.

"Vicky, don't cry. It's okay."

  But seeing as she can't hear you, her eyes start to tear up. She holds her breath for a moment and regains her composure. It still shocks you that this insanely nervous demon can became calm and composed, in a matter of seconds. But then again, that was practically her job.

  Sighing, you turn off the TV, get up, and head to the kitchen to grab something to nosh on.

  "(Y/n) why don't you take better care of yourself, huh?" You muttered under your breath, even though no one was there.

  You actually did take care of yourself fairly well. It was just the fact that you were just too lazy to get off your bottom to actually eat something. Laziness was always a problem for you.

   Slouching your way to the kitchen, you felt a vibration in your pocket. Pulling out your (F/C) phone, you look to see who is calling you. Looking at the contact picture of the caller, you see that it is Vicky. Pressing answer, you listen closely.

  "(Y/N), hey! I'm coming over after work, 'Kay? See ya then!" Vicky said, and you could practically hear her smiling.

  As a smile crept its way onto your lips you replied, "Why of course, you're always welcome here, stranger!"

  It's been awhile since you were able to do casually get together with your friend- Vicky was often busy with work, hunting for stories and practicing what she called her 'news act.'

  You finish the perilous journey to the kitchen and open up the fridge. To your dismay, you find it nearly empty, aside from a bit of juice and some leftover takeout.

Thinking about it, when was the last time you went shopping? You couldn't remember, which is often a sign that you should be shopping.

  "Yay, time to go shopping..." you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm.

   You hurriedly grabbed a few essentials- phone, wallet, etc.- and open the door, ready to face the day. Kind of.

   Hurriedly you leave your apartment, making sure your door was locked behind you. Humming a little tune, you get into your car and drive to the store that was for some reason still open.

   "Alrighty (Y/ N), you can do this." you mutter, giving yourself a little pep talk. You pull into the familiar grocery parking lot and step out of the car.

   You strut in like a boss and proceed to buy what you need. In the end your cart is full.

   After paying for about $100 worth of groceries, you walk out of the store, head held high, until you get to your car.

   Sighing, you put the groceries into the trunk of the car and head home. As you walk up to your apartment door, you find it slightly ajar. You stop dead and felt your blood run cold.

   No no no no no!! This can't be happening, I can't be getting robbed!  you were silently shrieking to yourself. You felt yourself begin to tremble and tears fill your eyes. What if they stole something important?

   With fists raised, you kicked in the door, ready to throw some fists... to behold a grinning Vicky sitting on your couch.

  "Hey, (Y/N)!"

   Face palming, you sighed. This is going to be a long day.

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