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As Vicky sat on your couch, you rubbed the bridge of your nose in irritation.

"Ok, so why exactly did you leave the door open?" You asked.

"Because," she replied simply.

"Why couldn't you have left the door unlocked and closed?" You asked, not really caring that your voice was raising.

Vicky rolled her eyes with a smile. "Because you would have still freaked."

"I would not!" you cried out defensively.

"Whatever you say, chief." she shrugged. "Let's put the food away."

Seeing that this was going no where, you drop the matter. Moving to the kitchen, you and Vicky put away the food.

"Um, hey (Y/ N)..." Vicky sounded nervous. "I was wondering...well, you know how the 5 year anniversary is coming up?"

"Well yeah, of course I do." You yawn, still not quite awake. "How could I forget?" The two of you made your way to the couch and sat down. Vicky looked at you.

"Alright, time to tell you." she took a deep breath. "TomorrowmynewsstationishostinganeventandIwasgonnagiveyouaonetimeonlypass,do youwannago!?" It took you a moment to decipher Vicky's words- "Tomorrow my news station is hosting an event and I was gonna give you a one time only pass, do you wanna go!?"

After translating what Vicky just said, you agreed with a laugh.

"Why wouldn't I?" You chuckled. Vicky sighed in relief.

"Oh, thank goodness. I know the news office isn't your thing." Vicky said. She had a point. You preferred being with friends at home rather in a public setting. Vicky continued. "Well, it's tomorrow. I'll text you the time, okay? I'm going to head out now, though, so see you then." Vicky waved before heading out the door. You made your way into your bedroom, left with virtually nothing left to do.

"Ok. Tomorrow is gonna be interesting." you sighed, flopping down onto your bed.

Closing your eyes, you somewhat managed to close your eyes and rest.

* * *

It was calming; peaceful. The darkness was quiet. As you floated in the void, you could swear that you heard voices. Giving up on the pleasure of stillness, you 'swam' throughout the blackness towards the sound.

You approached a group of figures. Not quite people, just sort of black forms that resembled a hooded human being. There were roughly 12.

Despite the creatures not having faces, you somehow knew that they turned their heads and looked at you. You gazed back, somewhat nervous.
However, you were sure this was a lucid dream, because the real you would never walk into a mysterious dark figure, much less a room full of them. You strode through the shadowy figure and looked back at it. It held up an arm.

"Don't forget"

* * *

You sit up, tired and confused. You knew you had a dream but, you couldn't remember it.

"Ah, it's to early for this." you grumbled, and went back to sleep.

At least, you tried to. Your phone buzzed with an incoming text message. It was Vicky. She was texting you to remind you about the event. And that it starts at 10. It was 9. Fun times.

You rushed out of your bed like wild fire, and threw on some nice-ish clothes. Sprinting down the hall, you skidded into your kitchen, grabbed a conveniently placed piece of toast, and ran.

"Can't be late can't be late can't be late can't be late!!" You just kept repeating this until you arrived at your destination. You were actually rather late.. Hopefully Vicky wouldn't be too angry.

There was a long line to get into the building. You dug out your pass and put it around your neck. Once you were up at the front you showed the guard your pass and went in.

The sight you saw was amazing. There were games, and food, and contests. Heck, you could even meet the more well known monsters- the ones closer to Frisk, the one who freed them- later in the day.

"(Y/ N)!!!" Came a voice as you felt something slam into your back.

You saw the green ears and sighed. There was never a dull moment with Vicky around.

She grabbed your hand and dragged you to a game. It was a fishing game. You used a paper net to scoop up the fish, and if you caught them without the net breaking, you win the fish. You two played for a while. You got 3 while Vicky won 10.

"Oh, wow, I suck at that," you laughed.

"Hey (Y/N), my best friends are here!" Vicky said excitedly "Let's go meet them!"


Despite your protests, Vicky dragged you up to the table.

"Hey, guys, this is my friend (Y/ N), the one I've been telling you about!" Your face turned crimson.

"WHY HELLO THERE HUMAN, OUR FRIEND THE MAGNIFICENT VICKY HAS TOLD US A LOT ABOUT YOU!!" This was a skeleton in a red scarf and what could only be described as armor, enthusiastically said.

Another skeleton spoke up. He was in a blue hoodie and white shirt.

"Yeah, she's told us a ton about you...a skele-ton." he winked.

"SANS WHY!?" Yelled the other skeleton.

While the skeletons argued a young child with brown shoulder length hair and closed eyes came up to you.

"Hello, I'm Frisk" they signed. You silently thanked your middle school self for working so hard- you had a deaf friend, Angela, who had begged you to learn, which you did.

"Why, hello Frisk, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." you replied, throwing in a 'nice to meet you' in sign language.

"I know." You snorted at Frisk's sass- that much sass is something to be proud of.

Frisk walked over to another monster- she resembled a goat, and had the warmest and fuzziest aura you'd ever felt.

"Hi, Goat Mom."

Frisk then signs something to "goat mom" and she nods. She proceeds to pull out a circular object and says "pie".

Vicky starts salivating and screamed,

"Must eat pie!!!"

She drags you over to the table and gets you a slice. It smells heavenly. You take a bite and start crying.

"My child, what's wrong?" Asks goat mom.

"This is amazing." You say, mouth full.

All of a sudden you hear the sound of a door being kicked in. The room darkens. Fog fills up the floor and pink light bathes the room.

"Ohhhh yessss~"



​​​​​​ Plz check out JumpinPasta101 who gave me some inspiration.


I... honestly have nothing much to say. I hope you guys like the chapter! And yes, JumpinPasta101 is a pretty freaking cool dude. Not as cool as Papyrus, of course.

You can be cool, but you'll never be Papyrus cool.

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