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The mahogany door creaked open making a loud noise in the quiet apartment. Jungkook peeked inside before carefully placing the plastic bags filled with food, medicines, plushies and some hot packs on the kitchen island.

"Y/n" he quietly called out not to wake up his girlfriend if she was already sleeping. Reaching her bedroom, he slowly opened the door to slightly peek inside.

His heart melted at the sight of his girl snuggled up in warm, fluffy blankets looking like a cute baby with her hair slightly messy. He smiled fondly before reaching out for his phone to click her picture.


jeonjk @yniee

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jeonjk @yniee.bby shh...baby's sleeping 🤫

Jungkook placed his phone down on the table before carefully tiptoeing towards the door, making his way to the kitchen. He made soup for y/n, fished out the necessary medicines with some cooling strips for her fever.

Walking back to her room he placed the soup on the bedside table before gently placing the cooling strips on her forehead.

Y/n groaned as the cool gel made contact with her burning skin. She pulled the blanket over her head trying to resist the cool touch. "Ugh, get away" with her raspy voice she managed to croak out some words.

"Bub you need to take the medicines so get up and eat the soup I made" Jungkook said smiling fondly. "Jungkook?" slightly poking her head out she questioned.

"Yes, it's me" Jungkook caressed her hair as she slowly sat up with his help. Tightly hugging Jungkook she clutched the sides his hoodie in her hands and stuffed her face in his neck making him chuckle.

He rubbed her back comfortingly after covering her with the warm blankets again. After some time Jungkook heard soft sniffles with his neck slightly wet.

Turning his head to the side he saw Y/n silently crying while trying to wipe her face with her sweater paws.

"No~ Y/n what happened?" He cooed while brushing her remaining tears away. "Why are you crying?" She looked at him with her cute teary doe eyes before whispering "It h-hurts" "My head is throbbing a-and....and my throat hurts s-so bad"

"Aww~ let's feed you the soup hm? It'll help soothe your sore throat" Helping her sit on the bed more comfortably he fed her the handmade soup before making her swallow the medicines.

"Get some rest hm" he tucked her in before standing up to leave only to find her shaking her head furiously. "Why?" "Stay please" "You have to rest hun"

"No please" her eyes watered again making him oblige immediately. Taking her in his arms he rocked her back and forth treating her like a baby. Soon she dozed off with soft snores in the warm embrace of Jungkook.

Gently laying her down on the bed he caressed her hair before planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Get well soon my baby Y/nie"


Just in case you have forgotten today:
You are beautiful
You are powerful
You are brilliant
You are brave💞

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