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Dressed in an ivory coloured cute pinafore dress, y/n watches the sea, lost in the rhythmic crashing of waves on sand. Her glistening brown doe eyes are steady to the horizon, face aglow with the lavish orange rays.

Jungkook admired his girl in awe, watching how her lips bear the resemblance of a smile, just enough to show that she is enjoying her thoughts, whatever they may be.

Jungkook moves a bit closer so that she feels his presence, yet stays quite, allowing her to stay lost in the moment a while longer.

A content sigh escaped from his parted rosy lips gaining the attention of the female by his side.

He smiled lovingly at her, for quite a long time making her confused from his lovestruck gaze. Waving a hand in front of his dazed face she laughed cutely.

"You okay?" She inquired in her soft voice.

"Mhm" he nodded his head.

Y/n checked her watch before tugging on Jungkook's sleeve trying to gain his attention. "It's quite late, isn't it? Let's head-"

"No wait" Jungkook's panicky voice cuts her off before she could complete her sentence.

"I-i wanna...um you know tell you something" he spoke, wiping the sweat forming on his forehead.

"Go ahead" you signalled him to continue as he gently grabbed your hands, kneeling down in front of you.

"Y/n, I don't even know how we went this far. Baby, you mean so much to me, I care about you a lot, even more than myself. I would do anything for you just to see that pretty smile of yours. I want to be that person who you'd look for if you had a nightmare, I want to be that person who you'd find if you want to cry and rant to, I want to be that person who you'd be looking for even when surrounded by hundred other people you love. I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I sleep at night. I want to be the reason for your smile and laughs. You're not just my girlfriend but also my best friend who supported me, encouraged me, and loved me like no one did. You've been an amazing girlfriend to me and I know you'll be an even amazing wife. You're my today, my tomorrow, my now and forever. It is and will always be you. So, Choi Y/n, Will you marry this crackhead and spend the rest of your life with him?"

Jungkook reached out for his back pocket, fishing out a black velvet box. He opened it, only to find a shimmery gold ring which looked simple yet elegant. With hopeful eyes he lifted his head only to meet with a sight his heart would melt at.

Salty tears welled up in y/n's doe eyes and coursed down her soft cheeks, her cherry lips trembling while her glossy eyes were rapidly blinking, desperately trying to clear her vision.

Jungkook was shocked, he hadn't seen Y/n crying hysterically before. He stood up and wrapped his strong, warm arm around her waist and pulled her frail body closer, gently rubbing her head. She sunk in his warm embrace, clutching the sides of his jacket tightly.

"Honey what happened?" He asked completely clueless.

The said female shook her head not being able to form words, now hiccuping from the hysterical crying.

"Hey hey y/n it's okay hm, take your time bub" the taller male cooed, whispering sweet nothings in your ear helping you calm down.

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