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  Day of Jungkook's flight

Slinging his new Louis Vuitton bag on his shoulders, Jungkook adjusted his black leather jacket before slipping on his favourite baseball cap.

He had an early flight to Busan at 6:15 a.m. His mother got ill and was admitted in a hospital. So as the good son he was, he volunteered to look after her for some time as his older brother and dad were so caught up in work.

Going through his stuff again, he made sure he had all his necessities before making his way to his front door.

Since he started dating you he rarely spent time at his own house. He even left a few of his t-shirts and sweatpants at Y/n's house if they ever decided to have a sleepover.

In a span of few months, you both had gotten closer than you imagined. From not sharing your food to sharing your deepest secrets together you both came a long way in you very first relationship.

Locking his apartment's door Jungkook made his way towards the already parked Mercedes- Benz GLS infront of his apartment building.

Climbing in the vehicle he was met with 6 pair of eyes staring at him with big smiley faces. "Y/n and her friends will meet us at the airport" Jimin chimed breaking the silence causing a fond smile to creep up on the youngest's face.

"Aye our maknae is blushing" Hoseok spoke out catching the attention of fellow members as they all laughed loudly at the rare sight of the youngest being so soft for a girl.

"Ahh shut up" Jungkook whined covering his face with his hands trying to hide his embaresed form.

Laughing and joking along the route they didn't even realize as they already arrived at the airport. Still having 30 mins before the flight they slowly entered the airport looking for a cute trio as Hana couldn't come.

Spotting the 3 girls waiting patiently on the benches Jimin shouted waving his hand in the air "OVER HERE CUTIES" earing a light smack on the back on his head.

"Stop flirting with my girlfriend" rubbing his head he grimaced finding Jungkook gritting his teeth.

"Geez man" he hissed. Turning his head back Jungkook got no time as he was already engulfed in a warm hug with small arms wrapping around his built torso, her head resting on his robust chest listening to his calm heartbeat.

He looked down smiling slightly before returning her embrace by wrapping his muscular arms around her petite figure and resting his cheek against your head.

"Have a safe flight, and come back soon" you quietly mumbled on his chest just enough for him to hear. Kissing the crown of your head softly he grinned "I will"

Pulling away from the hug you smiled at him as he did the same. "Take care, I'll be back before you know it" Jungkook kissed your cheeks and forehead before stepping aside to hug your friends with a whisper of "Take care of her" earning a nod from them.

"This is the final boarding announcement for flight 89B to Busan ,I repeat this is the final boarding announcement for flight 89B to Busan. Thank you"

With a last hug he waved a goodbye to the members and you before disappearing into the crowd.

'I'll be back before you know it'


Keep up the good work
I'm rooting for you💞

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