Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning to sunlight falling through the curtains I forgot to close last night.

It was warming my face, but hindering my vision. Only then did I realise I wasn't in my room. I sat up abruptly and took in the room around me, the memory's of yesterday flooded back through my mind. It was like reliving it. Until I heard someone's voice in the back of my mind.

'You'll forget it one day, someone or something will make you forget. It'll be a memory you're aware of but don't watch back.' Harry's smooth voice spoke from the antics of last night.

What was he even doing home then? I thought he had an intimate concert?

I will ask him about this later.

I then wondered what he had told Parker. Because I knew he was worried about me, not matter how much of a brave face I tried to put on things. Sighing, I threw off the comforter and slobbed into the bathroom.

Hearing a knock at the door I popped my head round.


"Morning sleepyhead." He said, taking in my appearance.

"Morning P." I replied.

"Harry told me about last night." He said, I sighed instantly.

"Of course he did."

"He was worried about you Scout, and so am I. What you went through was massive, it's not something that can just be forgotten. You have to process it." Parker told me, making me feel okay about how I was handling it.

"I know I need to but you don't understand how embarrassing it was for me last night. I made a complete and utter fool of myself. He must think I'm a psycho." I told Parker, sitting on the side of the bathtub I pulled a mare in yesterday.

Parker shook his head and looked down.

"Nah, Harry's not like that. He won't think any less of you, he probably won't ever mention it again."

I hoped to god that was true.

"I'm just gonna get ready. Then can we go and get some iced tea?" I asked Parker, knowing he'd immediately be down for it.

"You know me too well! Don't be too long!" Parker practically sang before he left the room.

I did my morning routine as best I could with the miss matched items I grabbed from my flat in a hurry yesterday and pulled on some clothes. I put on come camo print cargo pants and a black spaghetti strap crop top. I grabbed my docs and pulled those on too, pulling my hair into a tight high ponytail I made my way downstairs.

I knew the bruises on my face and neck would cause people to stare, but I didn't want to be ashamed of them.

"Ah! I LOVE this outfit Scoutie!" Parker spoke as I walked into the kitchen. Harry was there but Mitch wasn't.

I locked eyes with Harry and he offered me a small smile before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Morning, I agree with Parker, love the outfit." He told me.

"Thanks. And Thankyou for last night. I appreciate it." I told him, wanting to make the first move approaching the touchy subject that was last night.

"Don't mention it. You look better today." He said, stretching like he had not long woken up.

"How was last night?" I asked the room.

"Really good actually. I was mostly covering songs just to show people I hadn't disappeared off the face of the earth but I gave them a teaser into Sign of The Times and it's already gone viral so I must've made a good impression." Harry explained to me, his eyes lighting up as he went into more details about his fans. I could tell how important they were to him and how much he appreciated them. It was so nice to see him so animated about it, his reactions and attitudes were so genuine.

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