Aether 💀 Y/n

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"Good Dragons Stay Put"

          Hands entwine on beautiful locks of hair, combing strands that seem to glide smoothly on his ungloved hands. The crystal, now protruding from the side of the petite girl's head seem to restrain the being from doing more damage. In fact, the half-dragon on his lap had such a face of unease and discomfort just as she rested. Tears were shed, just as she slept on the lap of her captor. Aether did not mind her tears; in fact, he found them quite enjoyable to collect, only to shower them to different mages that would die by the hands of his sister.

His sister... Now that he thought of it, he wondered about her adventure, and what would she see if she'd step onto his lair.
          After the story of Dvalin, something new aroused. Not by the nation of mondstat, but Liyue, where waves of drought would come periodically. The heat was much more abnormal than it was before. For Zhongli, he found it bearable, but for Childe, Paimon, and Lumine, they were exhausted; especially Paimon who complained and reacted every ten seconds. Suddenly they found a child-like human on the lake of the Adepti's abode. There was an air of unease around the girl, that even Paimon could sense it. As they neared, the cries brought them to their place as the notice the shaking of her shoulders, the hiccups from the girl. "Is something wrong?" Paimon floated to the girl, and she replied, "I don't wanna do this," replied the female. "I don't like what he's telling me to do." The three looked confused. "Who?" Just as Childe asked, a swarm of Abyss Mages appeared.

           The battle was long, yet it was in the favor of the heroes(-and their favorite daddy impostor), however after the fight, the child was not in their sight.

          Elemental marks of geo appeared, and they followed each mark. A dragon of white and light brown scales soared, an abyss mage floating alongside them. As it roared, they were hit with a big air of extreme heat. Lumine found familiar purple crystals on its tail and on its head; crystals that Dvalin had when he was captured. "Then that girl must be," Before Lumine could finish her thought, the dragon flew away, and they were forced to follow. It moved to Liyue, where it started its periodical drought. They fought the abyss mage that came along, and eventually killed the mage. Everywhere, drought was being spread. Luhua pool had lessened the waters, and so did other water forms. Everytime it would land, they would attack the purple crystal, until it was cracked. It felt like years until one crystal was destroyed. "One more to go-!" They hear the cries. "It hurts!" "We're here to help you, please!" "No! You look just like him!" Lumine stopped in her tracks.

          "Please tell me! Who? Who do I look like?" The dragon reverted back to the humanoid figure. "I-if I do, he will surely punish me!" The female cried out. "We will protect you! I promise! All of us are here to protect you," The sniffling female looked back at them with tears streaming down her face. "T-the Abyss Prince. H-he force me to this... I- I just wanna go back to Mondstat and back to Master's home! I don't wanna do this anymore!" Childe stooped down to hold the female in his arms. "There, there... We'll keep you safe..."

          Aether smashed the ground behind him, angered. "You really are weaklings. You let her get away? Again?" The Abyss mages cower. "I'll just have to do it myself then."

          "I will find her, and when I do... We'll have to go through some... training."

         "Y/n?" Lumine called out to nothing... "Y/n?!" She called out once more, and silence answered. "Y/n!" One more call and there was no answer. Despite killing all the Abyss mage that tried to ambush them the other night, the dragon had slipped out of her grasp.
A figure amongst the Abyss Mages pulled the frail dragon by their side before running away from the scene. The female was silenced with his hands as they escaped the fight.

           "Oh no! Where could they be?!" Lumine gritted her teeth. "Calm down. Maybe we can ask the others to help," and there, they sought once more for the dragon, who had been kidnapped back to the lair.

          "I'm sorry for what I did. That hurt didn't it?" Bandages wrapped around her legs, her arms, and her head. "Don't worry. Just as long as you don't pull that stunt, you will be safe in my arms," the unconscious female could not cower, for she was currently in dreamland. "P-prince," Aether looked back, finding another Abyss Mage. "What will we do now?" Aether looked deep in thought. "Make new crystals, much more improved, hard to break. I want them to not only corrupt her, but break her. She'll be in here for a long time, and I want her to continue her roles. We can't have the same thing happening again."

          The mages leave and Aether once again places the female on her lap, brushing her hair like nothing had happened. "Good dragons stay put."


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