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A/N: okay guys im here! And yes, i will have better grammar in the story. So it will be written in Gabby's POV and Michaela's POV. Maybe ill add others as i go along but as of right now, the first few chapters will be in Gabby's POV. And bear with me, cuz ive never written any kind of book before, i just have a diary... Lol i know cheesy, right? Haha but i want to write this for anyone out there who feels like reading it!!!! So since im not really a popular user... I need ur help! Show anyone this story!!!!!!! Thanks;) luv ya xx



Gabby's POV

It's December of my sophmore year in highschool, and it isn't going as well as I planned. Sure, I have all A's in my classes... Except Chemistry. I'm taking this class a year before a lot of other students because I thought I wanted to do science my whole life. Turns out, I was blatantly wrong. I'm starting to think I want to be an English teacher! Which is strange because I never really enjoyed reading or writing much until last year. I think poetry, reading, and writing songs has influenced my thoughts.

The only class I look forward to is chorus. I have it first period, every other day. I am truly and completely in love with singing! I have been told I have a good voice, but not good enough to be known for it, especially since there are hundreds of kids with way better voices than me at my school alone. I also love that class because my best friend, Michaela is in it with me! We always take pictures on her phone and talk about putting it in our scrapbook (this scrapbook doesn't exist yet but we're getting there). We are both immensely in love with One Direction. We sometimes get called crazy because of it.

To tell you a little more about me, I wish I lived in England. No, I have never been there, but I want to move there. I LOVE British accents (or any accent for that matter) and wish I had one. Alas, I am only American! How unfortunate. Michaela and I came up with a master plan to get there, and we call it:

Destination: London.

I babysit almost every weekday after school for two different families and sometimes on Saturdays. That's a little over $300 a week! Michaela is still working on getting a job but that's okay, she'll get one, I know it. We promised each other not to spend any money and we are keeping track of the money we earn in a notebook (we each have one). Our wallets that have all our money in, them have a British flag pinned to them as a reminder. We both agreed not to get a car, even if we do get our licsense, because we wouldn't be able to take it with us and it would waste money.

Every day that goes by when it is rainy and mucky here, we joke aroud saying, "Better get used to it," or, "I only like rain in London!"

We agreed not o tell our parents, or anyone for that matter, about our plan in fear that they will only laugh or think we're insane. All we can do now is save money. Good thing we already bought train tickets to New York City to go to One Direction World this weekend and tickets to their concert at Hershey Park on July 6, 2013!


A/N: Alright, I know it's short and I'm still struggling with it. I'm sorry if it seems like i was going on and on, I was just trying to get everything out. If you have any suggestions, questions, corrections, comments, concerns, etc., leave 'em in the comments! Thanks lovelys! xx.

Destination: LondonWhere stories live. Discover now