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Frosty snowflakes frolicked against the impact-resistant windows in a choreographed ballet conducted by the gentle wind. While her peers had elected to take a nap during the tedious trek back to their central headquarters, Amber just couldn't pass up the chance to bless her eyes with the wintry, mountainous landscape.

The metallic bird speared though the last of the foggy clouds, bequeathing a bounty of snow. Amber couldn't help but smile when her icy blue eyes anchored themselves onto their destination.

The enormous complex sitting atop the white-blanketed mountain was partially sandwiched in between the jagged, glacial peaks. Multiple silver and navy blue landing pads lay scattered around the facility. With chaotic flight, a plethora of snowflakes formed a thin blanket of feathered crystals which layered themselves across the roof of the headquarters.

Home, sweet home.

Following the events of Primus Industries' harrowing frontal assault on The Hall two years ago, Director Callan had sought to relocate the task force to a more welcoming, Elite-friendly environment specialized just for them. Eventually, he'd settled on one of the company's private installations located in the epicenter of Wilson Peak—a snowy mountain peak in Colorado.

The team had dubbed the complex Fort Sentry.

Amber had personally deemed it flawless, a surprise to no one. Aside from possessing the low temperatures she'd grown accustomed to, the place was secluded to perfection. The bulk of the facility's interior was housed within the mountain itself, drastically diminishing the odds of another assault on the base. The fact that all of the access roads had been washed away by the various storms over the years probably helped with that.

As the aircraft hovered over the landing pad, it's wingtips angled themselves down to decrease the lift of the wing rotors and modify the movement of the ship. Gently and softly descending, Amber registered a swift jolt as the vehicle's wheels made contact with the snowy surface. Stray clumps of frost fell from the gaping wings of the titanium bird due to inertia.

The ramp to the jet, engraved with a sequence of thin, metallic lines, opened like a snake's mouth, serving as a walkway for Genesis Industries personnel. A declining whine spewed from the red, shimmering lights bordering the edges of the reflective ramp, indicating that the aircraft had come to a complete halt.

"Rise and shine, sleepyheads." Amber said as she shook the three boys awake, resulting in a collective groan. "We're home."

Shivering, a stammering Arthur cradled his sleeveless arms as his teeth chattered. "Bloody hell, it's freezing out here!" The howling wind ushered clouds of frost inside the aircraft, sprinkles of snow clinging onto their mission suits.

"Maybe you wouldn't be so cold if you didn't wear a sleeveless mission suit." Kai chuckled. "Why do you even wear that thing anyways? It's not like it's practical in any combat scenario."

"Practicality is one thing, my friend." Arthur smirked as he snatched his trident from the wall it had been leaning against. "Style is another."

"And from what I've heard, you have neither one." Benji chimed in, chuckling as took off his visor and replaced it with a pair of ruby-colored glasses with the same capabilities.

"Whatever, four-eyes." Arthur said, glaring at the smaller boy as Kai and Amber chuckled along with him, exiting the aircraft. "That visor of yours doesn't look all that snazzy either, you know. Besides, you can't hate on perfection. Everyone knows I was the MVP this mission."

Anarchy | Book Two, The Genesis SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now