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I thought about making this chapter absolutely fucking wild, but'll see :)



"Batman." Jason growled, crossing his arms over his chest as he narrowed his eyes at the vigilante. He ignored the thudding in his chest, forcing himself to stand his ground. 

"Jason. Or should I call you Red?" Jason stayed silent, not responding to the dark knight's question. Batman grunted. "You attacked the Wayne Gala this evening, put Alfred Pennyworth in the hospital with a broken kneecap."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Alfred deserved it. He was disrespecting the title of Batman. Maybe if he were a worthy opponent he would not be in the hospital right now."


"Are you here to fight me or not?" Jason glared at the man before him. 

"No, I did not come here to fight you."

Scoffing, the teen went towards the entrance to the building. "Whatever, I have better things to do than this." As he was brushing past Batman, the vigilante grabbed his arm. Jason hissed, snatching his arm away as he jumped back. "What?"

Batman stares at the amnesiac for a moment before speaking. "I saw you and Cheshire kidnapping Doctor Hugo Strange."

"Technically it wasn't kidnapping. We hired him." Jason smirked. "Try again, Batsy."

Batman pressed his lips into a thin line. "Fine. I saw you and Cheshire leave with Strange. I know he specializes in psychology and genetics." Jason raised a brow as if to prompt Batman to get to his point. " much of your life do you remember?"

Jason felt something inside him snap as soon as those words left Batman's mouth. Letting out a dark chuckle, Jason threw his head back and closed his eyes to appreciate the moment. After a second, he stopped laughing and lowered his head to snarl at Batman, a sneer on his face. "What do I remember? What do I remember?" Jason screeched, snapping his leg out to kick Batman in the torso. He grunted upon impact, barely having a second to recover before the teen punched him in the face. "I remember enough to know you are not to be trusted, Batman." He kneed Batman in the stomach, grabbing the man behind the neck to lower his face down to meet his other knee as he smashed the vigilante's head off his joint. "I remember that it was you that got me in the position to fucking die."


Jason lifts his leg and brings it over the man's back, slamming him to the ground. He kicks him repeatedly all over his body. "I remember enough to know that you only bring pain into my life."

Batman coughs as Jason kicks him in the throat. He stares up at the rage on the teens face, the sorrow and agony and confusion brimming just below the surface. He closes his eyes as Jason stomps on the side of his head, smashing it off the roof top. 

"And I definitely remember enough to know that I wish I never fucking met you." Jason screams, emphasizing each word with a harsh kick to Batman's torso. 

Heaving in a deep inhale, Jason falls to his knees, his whole body shaking. He glares down at his trembling hands in his lap, ashamed of himself for showing weakness and letting Batman get the better of him. 

Glancing at the fallen vigilante, Jason tensed when he saw the man slowly dragging himself to his feet. Jumping up to a standing position himself, Jason readied for a fight. He got into a defensive position as the d knight stumbled closer, getting ready to strike when the Batman reached out with both arms. 

To say he was shocked when the caped crusader pulled him into a hug instead of attacking him would be an understatement. 

Jason froze, not returning the gesture but not fighting it either. 

Batman pulled him closer for a moment, one arm around his mid back and the other holding the back of his head, Batman's head resting on top of Jason's. He then whispered two words, so softly that Jason thought he imaged it. "I'm sorry."

As soon as the hug started, it was over. Batman pulled out of the gesture and leapt off the roof, leaving a dumbfounded Jason behind. 

The amnesiac teen stared at the place the vigilante was just moments before, trying to process what just happened. Batman...hugged him. Even after Jason beat him up and said he wished he never met him. Batman hugged him and said he was sorry, even after Jason said all Batman brought him was pain and death. 

Even with most of his memory missing, Jason was sure this was a rare occasion. 

Shaking his head, the teen decided it was time to go get some sleep. As he was heading inside, he sensed that he was not alone on the roof. Reaching for a blade, Jason looked towards the shadows. "Come out now, while I am still in a merciful mood."

A small shape moved out of the shadows at the same time a voice spoke. "Ah, you have got to admire Batman. Always the uncaring, manipulative shrew, as long as he gets the information he wants. Not an ounce of empathy for those he destroys in his crusade against crime."

Jason narrowed his eyes at the small boy. "Who are you? What do you want?"

The boy smiled at him. "I only want what is best for you, Jason Todd. As for who I am, you may call me Damian."

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