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It was now incredibly dark as we arrived outside of Tewkesbury's massive home, we continued down the driveway that was created by two large pieces of Greenland'

"this is a terrible idea" Tewkesbury started with an undertone of worry "the closer we get the worse this idea becomes" we stopped near the outside of the home and looked up at the house

"why are we doing this?" I asked 

"unlike most well-bred ladies, I was never taught to embroider" she starts as she jumps of the automobile gesturing for us to follow "I never melded wax roses, hemmed handkerchiefs, or strung seashells. I was taught to watch and listen. I was taught to fight. This is what my mother made me for trust me ... to find the answers we need" 

"you don't know how to embroider?" Tewkesbury questioned as we begin making our way to his front door.

" even I know how to embroider" I agreed as I followed onwards 

Enola sighed "you need to do this. we... are doing this." Enola stuttered as she turned to look at the house and back at us before heading towards it.

we reach the large wooden door and Tewkesbury opens it and allows us access, he wanders inside and looks around at the suspiciously empty home "where are all the servants?" he ponders as Enola shuts the door.

"welcome to the future" she remarks as she slams the door and takes a step forward 

"Mother!" he calls, sending a chill throughout my spine when no one calls back. we are going to die here.

Tewkesbury walks into the next room as I reluctantly follow with Enola, we reach a small table with a statue on it "what's happening" he asks not expecting an answer

"they know we're here" Enola claims 

"oh dear!" I whisper

we walk closer to the small table and look around the seemingly empty room, when a rifle cocks "Down!" Enola screams as she grabs both of us and yanks us to the floor, causing the bullet to zoom past smashing a vase as it did so. Whimpers from the each of us were heard as Enola looks up and shouts "run!" 

I stand up and follow her lead but not before grabbing Tewkesbury's hand, we run towards the wooden door and began trying to open it "it's locked" Tewkesbury stated as fear coursed through my veins, I gasped in fear several times hoping an escape would show itself, a gunshot hit directly next to me as I leaped towards Tewkesbury screaming as I did so.

"Down" Enola yelled once again as we each dropped to the floor and crawled around letting out screams as gunshots shot by us, we ran across the floor and stood with our backs against the wall behind a statue, I looked up at Tewkesbury scared face as quiet tears began running down my face, I gently moved my hand and interlocked mine with his noticing a slight relief in his face. The bowler hat man cocked his rifle once again and shot at the statue that hid us, Enola yelped a we all ducked to the floor

He began reloading his gun as Enola took a pouncing stance, she then grabbed a large piece of the once whole statue and threw it towards an armour suit, he immediately shot at it in the hopes it was one of us

"stay here" Enola whispered as she rolled across the floor. why did I not teach myself martial art? instead I learn't about flowers, what use is that now?

The man began walking slowly towards the two of us with his shotgun aimed in front of him. he shot once again causing Tewkesbury and I to jump and desperately stumble back into a hiding space. He locked eyes with the young Marquee as he began reloading once again, allowing the empty casings to clatter onto the ground, I began heavily panting with fear as I buried my head into Tewkesburys shoulder waiting for the final shot.

The diary of Audrey Crimson, Tewkesbury fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now