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Your POV

"Do you maybe wanna grab some lunch later?" He asked looking pleadingly at you. "Sure, meet your out front, I can drive" "It's a date, see you later" he smiled and walked off, you saw him ball his fist and punch it in the air slightly and giggled. You suddenly became very aware of your friends, well at least you thought they where your friends. Peter looked hurt but quickly composed himself "You could do way better then Brad Davis, like...", "Like who?, You?" He looked like he was about to say yes but you cut him off "It's obvious me bieng here is a problem so I will go and find some if my real friends and," I whispered this last but in a snarky tone "Get out of your hair", I turned then paused turning back, "See you later Ned?" I asked "You bet" he smiled back, I turned to MJ and nodded "Michele" "Actually my friends call me..." "But I'm not your friend, you made that very clear" I say like a boss ass bitch then turned to Peter, "Parker" I just looked him straight in the eyes and stared into his soul. Then I walked off but heard Michele mutter behind me "Bitch" I threw up my middle finger and walked off, I needed some real friends, not a group of dickheads who don't care about you.

Peter POV

She walked away, Middle finger up at me and MJ and left. I felt bad, also angry because everything MJ said was true but I also knew her reasons and understood her. Seeing her again made me realise, I don't like MJ I just like the idea of having a girlfriend again. Now I felt worse cause I realised that she was my rebound, I kissed her and fooled around with her, I even slept with her, for the first time and felt nothing special towards her, but I did it anyway. God I really have screwed this up and now she's gonna go out with Brad oh hell.

It's now been about a month and (y/n) still hasn't spoken to me, she is dating Brad and seems really happy with him, but he knows I still like her and every time I look at them he turns to me and smirks, I was right, she is to good for him, and me and everyone honestly. I need to speak to her but am too scared so instead I came up with an "Plan?" Ned asked, slamming his locker as I lent next to it. "Yeah, a plan to tell (y/n) how I really feel about her, and also break up with MJ too" I said back. "Yeah I saw she's going on the trip and I decided it would be the perfect time to tell her, I'm going to apologise, buy a duel headphone adapter, find a way to get her to sit with me in the plane, watch movies all the way there then you know Venice is really famous for glass?" "Yeah" he said back, taking it all in. "I saved up my money to buy her a Necklace with her favourite flower" "A sunflower" "Yeah because she loves how-" "They always find the light" Ned finished and carried on "Then when we go to Paris I'm gonna go up the Eiffel Tower with her, give her the necklace and hopefully she will want me back-" "Amusing Penis Parker, what would her Boyfriend think of all this?" An annoying voice said from behind me. I gulped as I knew that (y/n) hung out with all the popular kids, was one herself and Flash was part of that group. "I would stay but i need to go tell-" I found myself grabbing his shirt collar and pushed him to the floor "No one, you tell no one" I punched his face, splitting his lip "or I swear to god I-" suddenly I saw everyone was gathered round staring and I saw (y/n) walk through the crowd and pull me off of him.

Your POV

"Get off him" I said, I knew Flash probably started this but that's not an excuse for beating him up, I would have pulled Flash from Peter too. "H he s started i it" Peter stuttered. "And I'm ending it, Flash let me help you get cleaned up" "Thanks" he said as I helped him up, "You too" I said, turning to Peters bloody knuckles. I pulled them into the nearest boys bathroom and grabbed some antiseptic, wiping their wounds as they both winced and I just rolled my eyes and cleaned up Flashes lip, only a small cut, I just placed a hand on him for a minute and luckily he didn't see but I healed it over. "All done" he looked in the mirror and then at you "How did you did that" "I don't know guess it's just a gift" I laughed, hugging him as he left "See you after school?" "Oh I cant today but I'll see you tomorrow" "Kk bye, make sure you watch my latest Flash Mib update", "Will do" I yelled after him and walked back over to Peter, sighing I took his hand and healed over the wounds, though it was still red and raw so I took some bandages from my first aid kit a nd began wrapping his hand. "Why do you hang out with guys like flash" it was then I realised I have very few female friends, mostly Brads boys and my small popular clique, which consists of Me, Flash, Tyler Evans, KayKay Greenwood, Samantha Derrickson, Liam Goole, Jason Markson and Cindy Moon, who after Liz left sort of became Queen Bee over everyone, not me though I was the only one she couldn't control. I roamed the halls freely, helping people but generally doing as I pleased. No teachers complained though because my grades where impeccable. "Because they want to hang out with me, and they are nice to me" I shot back, icy as fuck. "Look (y/n) I'm really sorry but after you left I presumed you wouldn't come back, you had moved on so I did too" "Wtf Peter I literally sent you like 5000 messages, even from space cause my dad literally owns the satellites. I messaged you so many times" I felt myself checking up and tears forming "and you just ignored me, I don't call that moving on I call that bieng a dick, Parker" I finished wrapping his hand as he reached for his phone. "Look" he scrolled down his previous notifications and my messages weren't there, "Open contacts" "what wh-" "Just do it Peter" he softened as you called him by his real name, he still wished you would one day call him Spiderboy again, although he pretended it angered him he secretly loved it. He opened it and you scrolled down your contact gone, you then opened Blocked. And there you where, Blocked on the 7th if September a year ago, when Peter started his junior year a mere few weeks after the blip. "You blocked me, look" I showed him the 6789 messages I had sent him, a tear rolled down my cheek. "Wait (y/n), I didn't know you where blocked, it must have been... MJ" he said grimly, "You still didn't even notice" you shrieked, feeling the tears start as you sprinted from the room, you ran straight to the only okace you could think. The old music room, now a dust heap of boxes. The door was locked but luckily your Brother gave you a tool to pick locks and you got in and slammed it behind you.

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