Chapter 11: Prisoners (Part 2)

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I'm sorry to tell you that after two weeks of updating every two days, I will now start updating every Friday. Thing is, I've started school just a while ago, and so I can only write on Friday's. I'll still manage to post plenty if I catch up with my writing. 
  I decided to post a picture with one of my favorite people in the world: imagination_mist. Do note that I'm the guy.
  Now, I hope you are enjoying this story as much as I am, and I thank you all for reading this beloved story. It's my first book, and it's what I plan to do. So, heads up!


It isn’t until 9:30 PM that we all sit together in the fifteenth floor, which is nearly empty, except for a few sofas placed in a square shape. 

  Hansel sits in the sofa in front of mine, tapping on the sofa’s arm impatiently.

  “So, you’re saying that by being away from our families we can protect them?” Hansel asks again for what would be the seventh time.

  “Yes, and it actually makes pretty much sense. If it is actually the Corporeal Hybrids, they’ll try to find John first, since he’s the one that’s been in their grasp and managed to get away from them plenty of times now. Next, they would look for us. And though they’d probably expect to find us together, according to Grindelwald here, this place is basically untraceable thanks to the protection seals. Am I right?” Maia responds.

  “Yes, you’re right,” Grindel says.

  “What are the Corporeal Hybrids, again?” the girl inquires.

  “The Corporeal Hybrids is a governmental association created to eradicate us Outsiders. That’s basically their whole point. They say that we threaten the common folk, but they’re the ones killing people and experimenting on them just for fun,” I reply.

  Ken grabs me and whispers in my ear, “Who is that girl?”

  “We found her lying on the street. We don’t know who she is,” I mutter back.

  “So you have a stranger living here? You had thought that she could be an assassin or just a decoy in order to bring the Hybrids here, right?” Ken suggests.

  “I’ll ask for Maia to give her a reading. Should work,” I answer.

  Ken’s phone starts ringing. He excuses himself and leaves the room. I approach Maia and ask her if she could delve into the girl’s mind in order to check is she’s telling the truth.

  “She seems truthful, though,” Maia replies.

  “We have to make sure, just in case,” I tell her.

  She nods and stands up, taking the girl away with the excuse that she wants to talk with her for a while and get to know her.

  I am left with Annabelle, an anxious Hansel, Grindel, a very romantic Orson and Louise, and Diane. I try to look straight to Diane, but the memories are too excruciatingly painful. Plus, Diane seems to be avoiding me as well.

  If you really want her, then you should be fighting for her. At least make her see that you can be friends, until she decides what she wants.
  I stand up and head for Diane. But she stands up and leaves for the bathroom.

  Don’t give up. Wait for her outside the bathroom if you must.

  I wait five minutes and Diane still hasn’t come out of the bathroom.

  “You still there, John?” Diane’s voice comes from the bathroom.

  I can hear in her voice that she’s been crying all this time.

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