Everlasting Forever

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"THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER" I said while showing my best friends the written prom proposal from The Jeremy Ross, the captain of the Lacrosse team and only the hottest guy in this damn highschool.

"You're so lucky Avery"

"Yeah Avery, aren't you happy". Was this question suppose to be rhetorical. Of course I was happy, belated, beyond ecstatic to even breathe. The hottest guy in the world asked me to prom, but then it dawned on me. I was actually suppose to go with my girls to prom and I didn't want to leave them behind.

"I don't know, I may not go with him" I said putting the letter in my locker.

"Ave, are you crazy, you have to go" Marissa said grabbing the letter and basically shoving it in my face.

"I was suppose to go with you guys though" I said hugging Annalisa. I can't just turn my back on my friends, even if the hottest most dreamiest guy asks me, I just can't.

"We will be fine, I promise. Please just go for us, we need you to at least tell us everything" Annalisa said.

"I guess, I mean he is really... Oomph he is hot" I said biting my lip. Jeremy was like 6'4 with perfect shoulder length black hair that just seemed to flip over one side of his face. His eyebrows were like two perfectly thick teardrops piercing the frame of his face. His eyes were the color of roasted almonds and his lips had this slight natural pucker with just the hint of deep red in the middle that made me die even more. The way that he carried himself was just enough to make my body quiver with the thought of him.

"Earth to Avery" Marissa said snapping her fingers at me.

"Wake up ok, we have to pick you out a dress so you can wear one to prom, unless you plan on going commando and just riding his"

"HEY, watch it." I said stepping closer to her in a jokingly way.

We all got our biology books and headed to Mrs.Reynolds's class. I loved her class because all of us sat together in the back of the class, and we always texted each other, never paying attention. I also loved that Jare was in this class, but I didn't love the whores that were in this class. He sat in the front, between Sabrina and Lizzy, the two sleaziest girls you will ever know. Sabrina was leaning over her chair caressing Jare's thigh, getting a little to close to comfort. I got out my seat and walked up to Jeremy and sat on his lap. I put my purse on Sabrina's lap and flipped my hair in her face. I wasn't trying to be rude, just was trying to make my point. Jeremy pulled my hair a little bit and I drew circles in his notebook. I giggled slightly and I pressed my lips onto his hard. I felt the girls looking so I grabbed his hair and kissed more aggressively making my mark. I could tell he was caught off guard because he starts blushing and I just fixed my long blonde hair and walked to the back of the class. I forgot my purse and got up and got my purse while patting Sabrina's head. Annalisa and Marissa were in the back laughing and when I sat down, I spilled all the info. My phone vibrates with the notification from Jeremy and it read, what was that for. I quickly replied, just the marking of my territory, and sent a wink emoji. The bell had rang while I gathered my books. Joseph, the kid behind Jeremy dropped his things, and others just walked on. At times I could bitchy, but at most times, I was the nicest person. I picked up his bio book and gave it to him while patting his shoulder. He blushed and gave a blissful smile and I winked and left the class. I was walking until I got I slammed into the locker, hurting my arm a little bit.

"What the fuc-"

"Bae, its just me" Jeremy said kissing me softly.

"I'm sorry,that kinda did hurt my arm" I said turning away from him, why does he have to be such an ass sometimes, but he was my ass.

"How about we meet up at Liv&Mikes today for some quick lunch, and talk about prom colors" I said while chewing my pink hubba bubba gum.

"Sure babe, ill get you at 5" he said while kissing me harder again groping my hips. I pushed him off and walked with my girls, turning just to make sure he was staring at my ass, and of course he was.

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