Chapter four // Did he forget me ?

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Chapter four : He forgot me

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♢Rosa's Pov♢

Its being three days since I came back home. And that is Mexico, if your wondering why am calling Mexico my home its because, I grew up in Mexico until I ran away from the truth. Atlanta was like my rebound state nothing more.

Right now, am on my bed thinking. Yes thinking. About how stupid I was when I left Mexico. If it wasn't for being a coward I wouldn't have left. Never.

Am sure you might be wondering why I left. And why I came back right ?. I know, if I wasn't me I would ask the same questions.

I left because am a coward, as I said earlier. And am a coward because I found love, then ran away from it. Yeah it was a really stupid thing to do, but I did it.

Okay, let me get straight to the point and stop making you think. Firstly, lets say, I was the most socially challenged girl in the whole of st. Antonio high. I had only one friend, who I held back. And well the guy I fell for, who so happened to be, the cutest guy in school liked me. And he told me, like he fucking did. Very clichè right ?, I know.

His name is Angeĺlo Ferèra, every girl used to drool all over him. But he was mine you know, at least until I ran.

The reason why I ran, was because of rumors, really bad rumors, they said he was playing me and that he didn't love me.

I believed them. I fucking did. And it's because before Angeĺlo even started talking to me he was the bad boy. But that bad boy, that every girl liked.

He had played every girl in school and I thought, what made me different?. Why would he even think twice before playing me?.

And so on our one month anniversary I got fed up. I didn't want him to know I didn't trust him. But I wasn't sure he would care and so I left.

But when I left I regretted it. I regretted it because he would call me but I didn't pick up. My friend, Eva, called me so many times to tell me how Angeĺlo was suffering. I felt bad but I didn't come back.

I met Sophia and Mia. Those were my two companions, if not for them I wouldn't have gotten out of my shell.

They are the kind of friends that, you feel you've known, your whole lives. You tell them every thing without even knowing it. Yeah thats how they are.

They didn't replace Eva, no one can ever replace her. But they are now my best friends also.

They motivated me and told me to come back, they said I wouldn't regret it. I trusted them and I don't know why.

I hope Angeĺlo doesn't hate me. I hope I didn't break him. I hope what I did, didn't make him hate me. I've missed him and am here to get him back.

I'm in my room, like I said earlier thinking. My door opens bringing me out of my reverie. And Eva lets her self in before sitting on my bed.

"Rosa have you gotten christmas presents" she asks. I totally forgot about that.

"I totally forgot!" I groan. Jumping of the bed to get my coat, boots and credit cards. I say "Lets go to the mall right now, Eva! " I yell.

"Whatever" she hisses.

And we head out of my room. "I've gone to get presents mum!" I shout and we go out.

On reaching, the mall, I find out I don't even know what to buy, and I've got four gifts to buy.

For my, sister, Mum, Dad and Eva. But I don't know what to get them, so I ask Eva.

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