The way to a boys heart are Lays

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The next day I was looking forward to the swim training because it would be a chance to see Team again. I hadn't been able to sleep well last night because of my dreams of Team wearing nothing but a towel and a pout. I would wake up every time just before kissing him feeling all hot and bothered. Yesterday I had left him in the locker room kinda frustrated not knowing how to proceed further.
I really needed to get him out of my system... or should I say fuck him out of my system..

I arrived at the pool with a smile on my face in anticipation of seeing Team only to stop dead in my tracks upon witnessing P'Vin hugging Team right in front of the pool. One hand was grabbing Teams ass and he had shoved his face in his neck..
Upon seeing me stand behind them, P'Vin winked at me and kissed Team on his neck before releasing him.
On his neck! The same spot I kissed yesterday that released this delicious shudder from Team I couldn't stop thinking about. I mean, that was my spot! How dare he kiss Team there! Balling my hands up I really wanted to sock Vin in the face regardless of if he was my senior or not.
Vin: Okay Babe, I have to go. Have fun! Yo Win, how is it going? You alright? You seem kinda angry?
I had to count to 10 to gain back my control... what was it about Team that got me feeling this damn possessive of him?
Win: Hi P'Vin, I'm good, just got a bad test result.
Vin: You? Our number one perfect student?
Win: Yeah it even happens to me *forcing a laugh*

During training I released my frustration on the new guys and made them swim lane after lane. I may look like an angel, but after the training I heard the name demon whispered more than once. Exhausted from the training everyone was eager to go home and the locker room was empty when I entered it. I went over to my locker and leaned against it with my back closing my eyes. How had this day gone to shit this fast?
Team: You ok? *crunch*
Startled I opened my eyes quickly almost convinced I was starting to hallucinate. But there stood Team looking up at me with his beautiful face, his cheeks full with what I guessed where chips from the fact that he was holding a bag in his hands.
Win: What are you still doing here?
Team: Just waiting for everyone to go so that I could eat in peace. I didn't want to share.
I watched as he put another chip in his mouth licking the salt from his full lips.. BOOM... That quickly I felt aroused and wished that I could be the one licking the salt away.
Win: Soo you and P'Vin? What did he do to get you to agree to be his boyfriend?
Team: Well... he bought me Lays.
Win: He bought you Lays?
Team: Yeah...
Win: What a dumb reason! How can you be with someone just because he buys you food?
Team: But that's what every one of my boyfriends did.
Wait a second... Everyone? I mean how many had there been? Before I had the chance to ask, I saw Team rubbing his neck apparently feeling embarrassed.
Seeing that, I instantly remembered how P'Vin had kissed him there a short time ago... Instantly I felt my chest tightening and locked my eyes on the same spot. Suddenly I felt the need to at least tease him a little.
Win: What's that on your neck?
Team: what do you mean?
Win: Stay still, I have to get closer to see...
Slowly inching closer, never leaving my eyes from my target, I blew warm air on his skin enjoying to see goosebumps rising up. Quickly I launched my lips on his neck, sucking on his warm skin.
Win: This...
Team jumped back from me and ran to the mirror on the side of the room.
Team: Hia, you gave me a hickey!!


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