An accidental trip part 2, truth or dare part 6?

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Will started walking to the park, nico in his small and light,way to cold too.will thought it was odd,nico haven't killed him.okay will knew that was an overreaction but nico was barley ghosts,no cracks in the ground,nothing! Well there was a slightly heavy not right soothing feeling to him but that could be a france thing.

When he finally got to the park Nico was half asleep.The whole trip he had kept his eye's closed or unfocused.will try to remember when he had seen Nico's eye's really focus on anything?hunh.well it didn't matter,nico and him were france.FRANCE! They were so screwed.will reached a bench and sat still in his arms. Will would have put him down on the bench and went to do something if he had something to do. His only task was to hold Nico and think of a plan.he was doing pretty bad at the latter.

He held nico a little tighter.what would they do?will was was really vulnerable right now,like the most he'd ever been in front of will.there were demigods across the world,nico was proof of there were definitely french demi gods.french demigods meant monsters.

Nico must have smelled great,plus Will's smell...well they were so not gonna get back without a fight.will signed.there was nothing he and Nico could do about the monsters,so they had to focus on how to get Nico back to american faster!will lowered his head,burying it in nico hair.sooo soft~.will's mind was slowly turning to mush in nico's hair.

His hair smelled like vanilla and popmagantes(ironic).will sighed,feeling calmer by nico's sent.back to the present problems.will needed to get nico ready for shadow travel as fast a really didn't know much about shadow travel.he new when people could die from things and how diagnose and treat most bad stuff that could happen to demi gods.there were almost never children of the big three.biancia,hazel(kinda) and nico were the only children of hades.hazel seemed to only have the minerale aspect of the powers.

Will didn't exactly know what he was supposed to do.will diced to start at the the side effects of shadow travel or at least the one's will's picked up on.Eustation,headache,dissolving,dieing,disorantion,sle- will's thoughts were cut off by nico's stomach growling.'okay' will thought 'hunger too,cool'. eating seemed to be a thing nico didn't really seem to enjoy so this was gonna go one of two ways.his body forced him to have an appetite or will would have to doctor/pester him into eating.will diced that finding something for nico to eat was a good idea.

Will took Nico's phone out,it surprisingly didn't have a password.will maps said there were restaurants all around the immediate area.will put Nico down on the bench and quickly made his way to a food vendor.

Will came back with a lot of food,enough for Percy and Jason to be happy.will figure having extra food was better than not enough.also he was pretty sure nico would need some extra strength.

Will walked back to the bench,will hadn't moved out of seeing distrant of the bench we'll getting was asleep and a demigod so anything might try to kill/eat/kidnap him.the sound of will coming back plus the russeting and the smell of food woke nico up.he yawned and shriked at the contact. will melted a bit.he was so tiny and cute.

Nico opened his eyes then closed them again."Will?" nico's voice was sleepy and confused."nico i got some food,what do you want?" nico shrugged "anything" his stomach growled again.will grabbed a craip and put into nico's hands.his eyes were still started to eat,slowly then ate all the craips pretty fast.his eyes were still closed. Nico yawned again,and stretched.he looked like a cat.a really tiny kitten.will had to stop himself from 'awwing' or making out with him on the spot.both could get his nose sliced off.wait nico didn't have his sword. His noise could get clawed off.wait nico didn't have his sword!

They were so screwed.will also didn't have his weapon.the gods were not on their side at lenned to the side,ready to take another nap.he fell into will side.he yelped.will tentatively put his arm around froze for a second then relaxed.Will had HIS arm around nico!nico He wasn't moving away or yelling at him to stop or was still a little tense.

At some point will find his hand in Nico's hair. Going through the soft vanilla pomegranate scented the contact nico seemed to melt into will side.his legs came up on the side on the was back asleep in the next ten minutes.softly snoring.will signed.

Will grabbed some food with his free hand,eating and holding Nico.will new he was growling.his heart was beating so fast he thought he might die.why wasn't Nico moving away?well he was asleep but why hadn't he told Will to stop or something when he was awake.

Well nico was cold,maybe he was cold and just appreciated the warmth.will suddenly didn't care why nico hadn't moved away,he had nico in HIS arms,his! He was holding this emo kitten in his arms and not in a platonic position either.will blushed,a goofy grin cover his face.maybe he could get nico to like him.probably not as more than friends but as good friends.maybe he could help nico.

Nico needed help,he was so closed and his eating habits were not good.he seemed to really hate himself and have abandonment issues along with his 'i don't have friends or a home either' issues.he still had some resentment for percy jackson too,probably buried with something had a lot of emotional damage infected by his friends.the seven were the SEVEN,not the probably didn't want to help them,he probably thought he was a burden the whole they only need one child of the underworld,no like a child of hades and all that jazz.hazle was probably excused from the 'people who nico though didn't want him'.they had probably not made him feel necessarily wanted.he was pretty new to most of the group.percy,annabeth and nico had always had a weird relationship.

Will couldn't erase any of the damage completely but he could definitely help,if nici let him.

Will really hoped nico would let him in,he was so closed off.he didn't seem to have a goal or purpose at the moment,which might mean he was more likely to think about suscide.maybe will could get him to take on the some sword demonstration classes.that would give him something to do and show up for every would be easily to tell if he wasn' eating or getting out of his cabin too.will also really needed to get niko to talk about some things,it was ridiculous how many topics nico had pulled at his heart's door,never to be touched.

Will beamed growling a little brighter.right now he was with nico,nico was in his arms and he had thought of a maybe solution to try to help nico.there was still a lot of bad things but nico was in HIS arms at the moment,sleeping.

Will leaned forward and kissed Nico on his temple then settled back down.he had Nico in his arms.they would be fine for now.

a/n i was wondering if anyone knew nico x jason x percy x leo's ship name.lercyco? Ljercyco,jercy + leco,jelyco(pronounced Jil e c co.) i have no idea.also whats piper x annabeth x reyna x thalia's.theyna + piperbeth.theynerbeth? I have no idea. Frank x hazle x leo is like flazle? Right.

My science fair is a shit show so far sooo uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no more chapters till like next week or something, sorry.

Check out my other stories and Novocain.not written by me but the author is amazing at's a 'dark' harry potter story. It's real book on the self worthy.

eat some food, take your meds if you need them, drink water, and don't forget to shower.

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