[To my readers, friends, family, acquaintances, whoever else you are. This is just the beginning. This is purely a test run. I promise there is always more to come. Please don't hesitate to tell me what you think! I'm here to listen, to learn, and to live up to everyone's expectations. Thank you.]
{AGAIN THIS IS A ROUGH DRAFT AND NOT ANYWHERE NEAR THE END. Let me know what you think about this.}
"November 13th, 2020
To Spencer, Alan, and Oakley,
I hope this journal finds you well but judging by the looks of everything outside, you may not even find this. If you find it, and I'm not with it, then I'm sorry to say that chances are I didn't make it through.
Looking back at it, I wish I hadn't gone to school that day. It was the last time I'd see my family all together and alive. I haven't seen them since the blast and if you made it through I'll be so grateful when I find you.
The first thing I remember about the beginning of the end was sitting in math class. Oakley would've been there but we'd gotten into a fight and she was at home calling in for classes. Every so often, I'd look over to talk to her like normal but she was on the screen in the back of the class so I knew she couldn't see me. Mr. Tipse was talking to us like normal and of course my mind was on everything other than math. Just that morning I'd been in the hall just goofing off with Wyatt, Josef, and Reginald. I can't believe that's the last time I'd ever do that.
Spencer, you were taking a break right? You definitely needed it after all the homework you had. Alan was gone. Alan where were you?
After a while he spoke, "Zoom kids did I lose you?" Typical. The internet was always out so this was normal. Next came the sound of the alert system. Must be bad weather. At least that's what I told myself. I looked down at my phone as more and more news stories piled up in my feed. "This is not a test." It was all over our screens. This was it. Something major had happened.
Our teacher looked at his own phone and I watched the color drain from his face. I saw a couple of the boys run from the room and shortly after our own teacher was taking off too. I looked at my phone. Bombs. They'd gone off everywhere. Taking out big cities all over the world. The president had been killed in one of the explosions. The White House was ash now. I didn't get the chance to read the rest as everyone else cleared the room. I had already gotten up to move when I felt a hand grip my wrist and pull me towards the door. The hallway was crowded and hardly anyone could get through. It was pure chaos. My mind became a blur and I can hardly remember what was happening around me. It's been so long since then. All I remember now is who was pulling me to the doors. Dominic.
I'm sitting here in the city now. Well what's left of it. My memories of that day have faded. Dominic left days ago with a promise that you'll be with him when he comes home. What happened to you? Where are you Spencer? What about you Oakley? Alan? Please if you read this don't trust anyone. The virus isn't what we thought. The bombs aren't from where we thought. It was a lie. It was all a lie. Trust no one. Trust not a single person.
Waiting for you,
Torn Away
AksiFrom books to movies, the end of the world was always just fiction. Nothing more nothing less. But as 2020 rolled around it suddenly became more real than anyone could have ever imagined. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. From COVID-19 to the e...