Chapter 3

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My eyes shot open immediately when I heard shouting from outside the house I was in. I panicked when I realized that I wasn't in my room at home. The little blue bed wasn't mine. Neither was the small desk pushed into the corner.

My anxiety only spiked when I heard a loud bang, and shouting from inside the house. I scrambled out of the bed and yanked my jeans and jacket on.

A pair of black converse were laying neatly by the door, so I slipped them on. Drake must have noticed my lack of shoes yesterday.

I squatted by the door, and pushed it open slightly so I could peek out. In the middle of the living room stood four men.

A large man that I immediately recognized as my parents' killer, stood with his back facing me. His two goons stood on either side of Drake, with their large arms crossed over their chests.

Out of the corner of his eye, Drake noticed me at the door. He narrowed his eyes at me slightly, but went back to looking at the man.

"Where is the girl, human? I won't hesitate to kill you if you don't tell me," the man said looking fiercely at Drake.

Drake didn't respond, but instead smashed his fist into the man's stomach. The goons growled, quickly snatching Drake's arms and pinning them behind him.

"I may not be a werewolf, but I will not be treated as if I am worthless. I am not a weak human who can't protect himself and others," Drake said proudly.

"I am not to be treated so rudely," the man snarled back at him.

Before I could realize what was happening,  there was a glint of silver in the man's hand, and Drake yelled loudly. Drake fell to the floor, grabbing his leg.

"Now where's the girl?"

"She's not here," Drake spat at the man.

The man angrily left the room with his goons, "Leave him here to die. We'll check the rest of the town."

When I was positive that they were gone, I bolted out of the room and straight to Drake.

"Oh god. What do we do?! We have to get the knife out of your leg! And stop the bleeding! We need to get a doctor to come help you! What if you bleed to death! Or die because I don't know what to do! It's going going to be my fault you're dead!"

In my panicked state, I was scrambling around the room looking for something to help.

"Calm down, Kalilah. I'll be fine," Drake chuckled slightly at my panicked expression, but was cut short from the pain.

My eyes widened as a pool of blood started to form beneath him. I kneeled beside him, with with a blanket in my hands.

"I need you to pull it out. Then apply pressure to stop the bleeding," Drake said.

My shaking hands gently gripped the handle of the knife. Drake let out a small hiss when my hands caused the knife to move slightly.

"Sorry!" I yelped and pulled away quickly.

"Kalilah, you need to pull the damn thing out of my leg now." He yelled through his gritted teeth.

I gulped, and tried again. This time I didn't pull away. I suddenly gained the courage to pull the knife out. I wasn't going to let another person die because of me.

"Are you ready?" I asked him, and received a nod.

Taking a deep breath, I wrapped both of my hands around the handle. With one quick movement, I yanked the knife up and out. I didn't bother to pay attention to where the knife landed, as I threw it behind me.

Grabbing the blanket, I quickly put it over his now gushing wound. I used most of my weight on the blanket to help stop the bleeding.

After holding the thick bloodied blanket on Drake's leg for a while, I decided to find something to stitch it up.

Drake had passed out when I took the knife out, so luckily I didn't have to worry about him screaming and alerting anyone of our presence.

I quickly found a large first aid kit under the sink in the bathroom. Pulling out everything I needed, I sat beside him and began to work.

After about six stitches and a whole lot of gauze, I decided that Drake would be fine. I propped Drake's head up on a pillow and covered him with a clean blanket.

I knew that I needed to leave before I was found, so I began searching the house for things I may need. I took a small blue backpack from a closet, and put some sweats and t-shirts that belonged to Drake in it.

With a few other things I would need packed into the backpack, I made my way to the back door. Luckily, the back yard lead right into the woods.

With one last look at Drake's sleeping form on the living room floor, I left. I was on my own now. Now it's up to me to keep myself alive.

As I ran through the trees, I had a newfound courage to survive. I was going to become stronger, and wiser.

I was going to get my revenge against the man who destroyed my life.

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