Chapter 2

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One week later...

My feet dragged beneath me, my stomach rumbled, and my eyelids drooped. After I watched my mother's death, I had managed to pull myself away from my parents bodies and into the woods.

I had been walking through this never ending forest for days. I barely stopped to sleep or eat. I had to make it to my friend Drake before those men found me.

Drake was a human man that my father was great friends with a long time ago. My father always told me if I was ever in trouble and he couldn't help me, to follow the forest heading East. At the end of the forest there will be a small town where Drake lives.

It felt like the forest would never end. That there was no hope of finding help. I was going to die in these woods. If only my parents hadn't died, and we were all still safe together in our cozy house on the hill. I sighed knowing that this would never happen again.

As I reached a small creek, I felt some relief. I hadn't had anything to drink since I left. I cupped my hands and scooped up some on the freezing water before bringing it to my lips. My parched throat was quickly soothed.

Before I could get more water, I heard a noise in the bushes a few feet behind me. I froze, knowing that whatever was there was after me. I sniffed the air. Werewolf. That was a very bad sign. A werewolf behind me meant either I crossed into a pack's territory, or I just stumbled upon a rogue.

Rogues were very dangerous, usually they were vicious killers. They would kill anyone in their path. No man, woman, or even child was spared from their wrath.

I took a deep breath, know that my only chance of survival was to run. Since I couldn't shift and I had no weapons, the wolf would kill me before I even got one punch in.

Using my alpha speed, I sprinted as fast as I could away from the wolf. I could hear his heavy paws pounding against the ground behind me. I turned my head slightly, and saw just what I feared. A rabid wolf.

Rabid wolves were rogues who lost their minds. They don't think, they just kill. And this one had his eyes set on me. I was his prey.

Suddenly the forest stopped and a town appeared in front of me. I was saved. Screaming and waving my arms frantically, I tried to get the attention on someone in the town. A young man turned towards me, and grabbed the gun on his hip.

"Duck!" He screamed at me while aiming his gun.

I did as I was told, and dropped to the ground in time to hear a loud bang and the wolf drop to the ground behind me. The man placed his gun carefully back into its holster, and walked over to me.

"You alright there little lady? That was a mighty big wolf hunting ya down," he smiled and reached out a hand to help me up.

"Yes sir, I am alright now thanks to you."

He nodded his head and started walking back toward the town with me right behind him.

"Do you have a name, miss?" He asked me turning his head to look at me.

I nodded, "Kalilah."

"Well miss Kalilah, what were you doing in those woods? No one goes in there. That's what we call the wolf woods."

"I came here looking for someone."

"And who was so important to find that you had to put yourself in danger?" He raised an eyebrow and stopped walking.

"Drake," I mumbled.

His eyes widened and he quickly grabbed my arm, pulling me into an empty building.

"I knew your name sounded familiar. I'm Drake. You must be Alec's daughter."

"Yes. My father told me to go find you."

He looked into my eyes with fear, "What happened?"

I told him everything that happened the day that my parent died. Drake looked panicked and kept dragging his hand roughly through his hair.

He looked at me sadly, "They're after you. Unfortunately I can't help you here. This is the next place that they'll look."

Fear overwhelmed me.

"Where do I go?"

"Your safest bet is to go north and into Canada. It'll be hard for them to travel there. Most packs know who they are and won't let them into their territory."

"How do you know that they'll let me into their territory?" I couldn't help but ask, fearing that I'd be thrown in prison, or even killed for trespassing.

"You're just an innocent girl. You'll be fine."

I wasn't so sure. I've never met a pack other than my father's, but I knew that not all packs were very kind to strangers.

Drake brought me back to his house.

"You can stay here for the night, but you need to leave in the morning before they can get here," he said while showing me to the guest room.

I smiled and nodded, knowing that some sleep would do me a lot of good for the next coming days. Drake left me alone in the room to sleep. I quickly slipped my jeans and jacket off, opting to sleep in my tank top and underwear.

I crawled under the cozy blankets and began to fade into the darkness as sleep claimed me.

"Goodnight Mother and Father."

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