The final reset

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Reset 2,467,001
Y/N: jeez kid. I know you have determination believe me I know. But even I have to admit this is going to the next level. Gotta give ya props though. I could never have this much.
The kid had been resetting so many times I wonder why ims till fighting. Is it for pride? For sans? For papyrus? I want to avenge them but at this point it's pointless.
Y/N: can't we go back to the way we used to be?
Chara POV
I didn't want to do this anymore. Neither did frisk. We were tired. Not from fighting but of fighting Y/N. Truth be told. We both had crushes on him. Frisk almost confessed in a pacifist timeline. But she didn't. When I came around and saw him I immediately fell for him. The fact that he's half monster half human only made it so much better. But....he could never love us. Not after what we've done. Unless....
Chara: I give up.
Y/N: huh?
Chara: you heard me. I give up. You win.
Chara is sparring you.
Y/N looks hesitant.
Y/N: what's your plan?
Char: no plan. No games.
I then toss aside my knife.
Chara: no tricks.
Y/N looks like he's about to cry but wipes his eyes
Y/N is sparring you.
I'm now standing in front of him. As well as frisk. We just stare until we both hug him. He's hesitant but hugs back. I'm expecting for him to Stan us with a bone,spear, knife...but it never came. When we superstate I smile.
Char: you trust us?
Y/N: not entirely.
I still smile. Frisk pulls out the reset button and then
I wake up in my room. I immediately sit up and look to wear my scar is. Still cut but fine. I look around when suddenly sans teleports in my room. My eyes water and so does his and we hug crying papyrus then comes in
Papyrus: brothers? What-
Both: PAPY!!!
We then both hug him still crying papyrus is confused but hugs anyway
Papy: what's wrong?
I sniffle
Y/N: nothing. Just a bad dream papy that's all...
Papy leaves and now it's just me and sans.
Sans: so what happened?
Y/N: they reseted on there own.
Sans is nicked but relieved
Sans: that's good. Anyway. We should probably go head out to meet up with them.
Time skip
Me and sans were talking about random stuff while waiting for both of them to leave the ruins
Sam's: hows the scar?
I few my chest
Y/N: it's fine. Just hurts a little when I move to much.
We then hear the ruin doors open and we look to see chara and frisk. As they walk down sans does his usual routine snapping the branch. And then we finally get behind them.
Sans: Humans.....
Y/N: don't you know how to greet a new pal.....
Both: turn around and shake our hands
They both quickly tune around and-

Sans: heheheh the old Whoopi cushion in the hand trick!!!
Y/N: never gets-
They both suddenly hug me causing me to fall
Y/N: h-hey!!! What's wro-
I see them both crying/mad at me
Y/N: you know I stick to the usual routine.
Sans: kinda the rules.
They both get off me
Frisk: it's just good to see you again....
I smile and sans just chuckles
Sans: we should get going. Papys gonna be here any second.
We do the usual routine hiding behind the plant only this time I want some alone time with the kids
Y/N: you go on sans. I'll catch up to you later bro.
He just nods and shortcuts out of there. I turn to them and teleport them to the judgment hall. They both look a little scared as my one showing eye is now glowing red and blue
Y/N: ok. Why.
Frisk: w-what?
Y/N: why after that many resets did you decide to do a true reset.
They both look hesitant and nervous. What the hell?
Frisk POV
Me and chara are both nervous. This is different form the time I tried to confess. He's mad. Not at us but for all the genocide routes. Watching sans and papy die. We need to tell him.
Frisk: we....we reseted for you...
Y/N: why....
Both: WE LOVE YOU!!!!!
Sans: who didn't see that coming?
All three: GAH!!!
Y/N: what are you doing here!!!!!
Sans: thought you might come here so I came to see why. I figured out frisky over there had a crush on you in a pacifist route but not chara.
I groan as chara and frisk are silent. I look at them and sigh.
Y/N: I'll let you know later.
I then teleport to my usual spot in grillbys.
Y/N: just ketchup grillbz
He nods and hands me a cup and I begin drinking
Chara POV
Chara: I knew could he possibly love a bunch of dirty brother killers....
Sans: and not even tell you two.
Wait. What?
Frisk: what do you-
Sans just sighs
Sans: you two aren't bright are you? HE LOVES YOU TWO!!!
Chara: sans quit teasing us.
Sans: I'm serious. He loved both of you. But he didn't want you two fighting over him so he never said anything. It broke his heart when you guys a genocide route. He put all his feelings aside to fight you guys. Believe me. He loves you two. He might not know what to say becuase you two killed both me and papy....
I feel horrible. He loves us and what do we do? Take L.O.V.E.
Sans: you should go talk to him. He might tell you guys the truth.
I look to frisk. She nods and we go off to grillbys.
Frisk: wait sans can you-
He's gone.
Char: that little....let's go.
Time skip
As I continue drinking I hear my name from to familiar names. I turn to see chara and frisk walking over to me and they each sit on each side of me. Silence.
Y/N: so um.....want anything?
They both nod
Y/N: ok.......what?
They both think until they both say
Both: basket of fries
I tell grillbz what they want and tell him to put it in my tab. As he leaves silence once again. I decide to speak up.
Y/N: look. When I left don't get the wrong idea. I didn't mean I hate you guys or anything..... I just don't know how to exactly tell you....
Chara: tell us what...?
I sigh. I'm pretty drunk at this point. I don't really care.
Y/N: I love you two.
There both shocked to hear this from me
Frisk: you
Chara: love
Both: us?
I laugh a bit
Y/N: yeah. Ever since I met you two. You make me laugh you enjoy my puns I love being around you two. I don't think I could ever ask for two better people in my lives. When you guys did that route. I had to put all my feelings aside. But it pained me killing you guys. Every time I did I felt a part of my soul chip away. And hearing you guys say you love me only made me hurt even more. I thought you were only saying that to make me feel better.
Silence. I stand up.
Y/N: heheh. Anyway. I'll see you guys around. La-
I then feel two soft hands touch my hands. I turn to see both crying a bit.
Y/N: what's wro-
They kiss me. Chara on my left. Frisk on my right. I feel myself burn up and teleport me and them out of there back to the house. When they leave there both blushing and smiling. While I'm just a blushing mess. I then hear the sound of a camera. I turn to see papy holding a camera
Papy: Y/N's first kiss!!!! Scrap book time!!!
I then burrow under my scarf trying to hide my blush while they just laugh. They both hug me and I hug back. I'm so glad that things are normal.
Hope you all enjoyed!!!!
Next time!!!!
Bad time with other Sans's. A multiversal war?

??? POV
???: how's it coming along?
???: pretty good.
He then holds up a black little tentacle.
???: this little buddy will be able to put any sans under our control.
???: any sans?
???: any sans.
???: good. I hope all the sans of the multiverse are ready. Becuase there about to have a MAD time.

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