You are filled with bravery

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3 rd POV
As we were all going to the hideout ink had changed his clothes Becuase he said he looked good with them on. They had gone back to a few AU's to grab some people. They now had ink, G, sans, Blue, papyrus, Dream, flowerfell. They were ready.
Frisk: YOU GUYS ARE IDIOTS!!!!!!! You only use our power knowing you'll never be as strong as the original and Y/N!!!
Frisk: yeah!!! That's why you made him evil!!! You were scared of what he could do to you all!!!
Dr gaster: well. If it isn't the frisk you lost her Sans genos. But admit it. Your sans was weak and only the strong will prevail. And this will spread out to all the other AU's as well. Whoever that may be. And not you or anyone will be able to stop the power of determination.
Chara: j-jerks...
Suddenly a bone flys by Dr gaster face.
Sans: you know. You really shouldn't judge without us you psychopath. Now let me ask you something.

Sans: are you ready to have a bad time?Error: HoW ThE HeLl DiD YoU GeT HeRe!?!Ink: let's just say I've stained some paint on one of them

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Sans: are you ready to have a bad time?
Error: HoW ThE HeLl DiD YoU GeT HeRe!?!
Ink: let's just say I've stained some paint on one of them.
Error: YoUr SuCh A NuSiAnCe InK!!! WeLl If YoU WaNt ThE ChIcS YoU GoTtA Go ThRoUgH Us.
Dream: be careful sans. Things are about to get hard.
Sans: heh.
He then opens up 3 portals and out comes out dust nightmare and fissure(I don't know either)
Nightmare: well well. Looks like you finally arrived little brother. This time I will beat you with my own hands.
Fissure: this killing of alternate versions opens up the stomach. Who's hungry?
Blue: now we can show you the true power of-
Papyrus: blue. Stay with fell frisk.we can't risk losing another one. So you stay and protect her.
Blue: but-
Fell frisk: it's ok blue. I trust you!!! We can work together and get the frisks out.
Blue: really do have determination. And I would love to take care of you with my life!!!
Papyrus: well brother. I'm counting on you.
Blue: I will not disappoint either!!!
Dust: I think the losers arrived. Hehe.
Error: I WoNt LeT ThEsE IdIoTs RuIn My PlAn.
Ink: cmon mistake!!! I don't want to marry you anymore!!
Error: Grrrrr. I HaTe YoUr BaD JoKeS InK!!!
Dream: this time. I will stop you brother.
Nightmare: I would like to see that. You always fail.
G: you and I have a fight pending old man
Dr gaster: I want to take away every piece of your body into my lab. Hehe.
Flower fell: give me back my little flower
Fissure: heh. Your withered flower.
Dust: oh? So we become classic Sans?
Sans: dust....I see that look on your face is even worse than before
Dust: really? Oh thank you for noticing my great change. You should really thank your friend genos Sans.
They all launch at each other throwing blasters, bones, axes, arrows, strings, ink, tentacles, it was crazy.
Sans POV
As I shoot bones at dust he takes the hits and continues to try to overwhelm me with his attacks.
Dust: do you really think you can stop me?
He teleports right in front of me.
Dust: your just a weakling.
I try hitting him with bones but he just dodges.
Dust: honeslty. The fact your trying to hard to win is pathetic

 The fact your trying to hard to win is pathetic

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