A turn of events

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Sans POV
I wake up fully healed and I see ink healing evryone else.
Sans: what happens.
Ink blankly said Y/N.
Sans: what do you mean?
Ink: he attacked us.
I couldn't believe it. There's no way my little bro would hurt us.
Ink: I'm just as shocked as you are. But I have a feeling it has something to do with that black goo that was covering the knife dust was holding.
Oh yeah. That knife has weird black goo similar to what nightmare has covering him. I see fell and papyrus get up as well.
Papyrus: he put up on hell of a fight that's for sure. I didn't even see him place those bones beneath me.
Fell: the way he fought. I don't think I've ever seen him get that serious before.
I just chuckle weakly
Sans: he's always had so much power locked up within him. He just never used all of it. None of us have.
Ink then turns to us with a blank face. He didn't.
Ink: which is why we don't hold back next time.
Flower: wait. Where are the frisks and chara?
We all look around hoping to see them.
Ink: they already got to them.
Flower fell banged his fist on the ground crying.
Fell: what do we do now? They got one of the strongest people in the multiverse. The only person who could rival Y/N is probably G.
Ink: then that's where we're going. If I'm right there heading to echotale. Let's go.
Papyrus: ink? Are you ok? You don't seem like...you.
He's right. He's blank faced. Wait.
Sans: ink. Did you take your vials?
Ink: I don't need them. All they'll do is just cloud my judgment. Y/N is gone. We need to end him.
Blue: you don't know that!!!
Ink just sighs and opens a portal.
Ink: you guys can come with or without me.
Flower fell: I'm staying. I need to make sure the gardens ready for when she's back.
Fell: damnit. Fine.
Sans: as long as you promise not to dust him.
Papyrus and blue nod. Ink just stares before walking into the portal. As we walked through all our jaws dropped. Y/N was in a stand still with G both firing gigantic gaster blasters at each other. Ink quickly runs up to Y/N but is stopped by horror dust error and cross.
Dust: your eyes ink.
Error: YoUr OfF ThOsE ViAlS ArEnT YoU?
Ink says nothing as he charges at all of them. He tries to hit error but dodges and ink gets hit by Dust bones sending him flying. We then charge at the evil sans. As I look up I see G sans pushing back Y/N's blast.
The blast went back towards G a bit but continued heading for Y/N. He was gonna get killed!!!! I quickly teleport over to Y/N and push him before the blast hits him. As I look up Y/N blinks and looks right at me. We stare for a couple seconds before he summons a blaster right at me. I dodge it and hold him down with my telekinesis.
Sans: Y/N stop!!!
Before he could say anything G comes down and holds a blaster.
G: thanks for holding him shorty.
Sans: HANG ON!!!
He stops
G: what?
Sans: that's Y/N.
G: it is!?!
G inspects him closely before gasping
G: the hell happened to you!?! And why'd you attack me I could have killed you!!!
Sans: nightmare did something to him. He's not himself anymore.
Y/N: eh. More or less. I'm exactly the same just with the lust to do genocides.
Me and G eyes light up as he says that.
Sans: bro. Fight that damn parasite. I've seen you survive lust sans chasing you.
Y/N's eye patch (the glitch cover over your right eye) then starts turning black and white and Y/N starts to groan.
G: cmon man. I've seen flowey resist control better than you.
The eye patch then goes black as Y/N looks up his eyes fiery blue and red. He fired two Gina blasts at us that we barley dodge. We both teleport over to fell and echo frisk.
G:both of you get out of here now.
Frisks: but-
Sans: listen to him. Y/N is the most powerful one here. Your not safe.
Y/N suddenly appears behind us and wraps his arms around our necks and teleports us to the other side of water fall where fell papyrus and blueberry are fighting dust horror and cross. There losing pretty bad but we need to focus on Y/N. I shoot a blaster right at him in which he dodges and shoots bones that I move away from. But to my surprise he summons a spear and throws it at me. G catches it and snaps it in half.
G: go help the others. I can handle this little bastard.
Y/N: heh. Please. Like you could even touch-OH SHIT!!!!
Y/N starts dodging like crazy. G summons gaster blasters bones using his telekinesis all over the place to the pint at/N is starting to take damage. I rush I've tried where dust his and shoot a stand of bones at him knocking him back away from papyrus.
Dust: that hurt....

Dust: that hurt ALOTHe shoots a dozen bones at me that I dodge and papyrus shoots blasters at him

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Dust: that hurt ALOT
He shoots a dozen bones at me that I dodge and papyrus shoots blasters at him. Dust teleports out of there and we go to help the others
G Sans POV
Damnit. This little punk really is powerful. Last time we fought he couldn't keep up. Now look at him!!! He's making me go all out. He teleports right beside me and tires to him me with a bone but I grab it and shove my hand foward making a blaster and shooting him point blank. He's sent flying and lands over near the water.
ATK: 99
DEF: 4/99
Wow. Only 4 left huh? I think I should make it drop to one just to be safe. I summon 3 bones all 1 attack and his HP goes down. I pick him up and sigh. What I'm a going to do with you brat? I walk over to everyone else. They drove back all the villians but all looked defeated.
G:what? We won ri-
Fell: they got your frisk asshole.
I freeze. I drop Y/N and walkover to fell my eye raging yellow and pick him up.
G: what...?
Fell: we tried but-
I throw him down
As I grab my skull I look over to Y/N. I summon two blasters and start walking towards him while they were charging up.
G: might as well cal it even.
Evryone except ink runs in front of Y/N
Fell: don't you do it you prick
Sans: he's still in there!!!! You saw his eye patch!!!
Blueberry: please edgy me!!!!
Papyrus: you don't really want to do this.
I stare at them and sigh. The blasters go away and my eyes turn back to normal.
G: your all useless.
Papyrus: hey. I don't like your tone of voice.
G: oh look. Are you another cheap AU copy?
Papyrus stares at me before walking up to me.
Papyrus: what did you just say stupid?
Sans: I know. Which is why we have to go and find them. Which is why I can't go on any longer. I'm the reason we lost frisk.
I nod and ink opens a portal.
G: where are we going?
Ink: we're going to go to there hideout. I put some ink on horrors bones. The ink adds like a tracker
He then chugs two vials and then smiles.
Ink: LEYS GOO!!! Also bring Y/N.
I grab him and pick him up. I look at papyrus and he looks at me.
Papyrus: I will be watching.
I sigh.
G: I'll come this one time pal. But don't expect me to be friends with any of you.
I then fell Y/N hug me. I look done and see his eye patch is half black half white. We all stare at him.
Sans: maybe it was only temporary?
Ink: no. Somethings making all the negative energy shrink. But what?
G: let's just go. We'll figure it out later.
We all step into the portal and it closes behind us
Next time!!!!

Seeing your friends getting hurt fills you with braveryY/N goes DELTA!?!

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Seeing your friends getting hurt fills you with bravery
Y/N goes DELTA!?!

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