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i'm laying in bed, facing away from emily. it's about 2 am and i, unlike emily, haven't went to sleep yet. however, i hear her begin to stir on her side of the bed.

i don't turn around, but she somehow still knows that i'm awake.

"you okay, baby?" she asks, her voice raspy from just waking up.

"mhm." i say without turning around.

"are you sure?" she slides over and lays on me, "oh my god, y/n, you're shaking."

"i'm fine, em." i say quietly as she gets up and turns on the lights.

she looks at me, "baby, what's going on?"

i sit up on the bed to look at her, but i don't speak. i just sit there, my body shaking as my random anxiety quakes through my body.

"come on, talk to me, y/n. do you feel sick?"

i nod, managing to speak softly, "a little."

"what kind of sick? like cramps or anything?"

i shake my head, "nausea. i'm fine, em."

"are you cold, baby?" she asks, beginning to fail at hiding her worry.

i nod, "yeah, a little. i think it's anxiety chills. i just randomly get so anxious, and then i get chills and nausea, and i can't sleep. but me and the baby are fine. please go back to sleep. i don't want you to be stressed too, em."

she shakes her head, "no, i wanna help you. would cuddling help any?"

cuddling with emily fixes just about anything, so i nod. she turns the lights off, gets back into bed, and pulls me close.

i can feel her warmth begin to melt the ice that had made me so cold and shivering, leaving me more relaxed and loose.

she kisses my forehead, "i love you so much, and i'm so sorry you feel like this."

"i love you too, and don't be sorry, baby. it's not your fault."

"you are doing such a good job, y/n. i know life is tough, but you're so much tougher. you've been through so much, and i'm so proud of you."

i lay my head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat, "you are the best, emily prentiss."

sorry this chapter is short and kinda sad!! it's a vent, as a lot of chapters are lately. this story is getting kinda long, but i really don't wanna end it anytime soon lmaoo.

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