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Dabi shook his head while [y/n], gave him a water bottle.

"We aren't the—" Dabi began to speak, but he was interrupted by two soft knocks on [y/n]'s door.

"What?" she mumbled while walking over to her front door. She peeked through her window, and a light sigh left her lips when she saw who was outside.

"Keigo, I told you to stop coming over," [y/n] whined while cracking the door open.

"I know—"

"I'm busy right now, so I think you should leave," she spoke as her hands began to close the door.

"Busy? Since when have you been busy?" Keigo responded while jamming the door with his foot.

"Keigo, please," she whined, but that didn't stop him from pushing himself through the door. Which immediately grabbed Dabi's drunken attention.

"Oh, so you got a little date over?" he raised an eyebrow after meeting eyes with Dabi.

"Keigo," she sighed, knowing how possessive her ex-boyfriend could be.

"I'm helping a friend. Please go home," Dabi could hear the dread in her voice, which made him get up from the couch. His vision was still spinning, but he didn't let that stop him.

"You heard her blondie, go home," he spoke coldly, and a smug look filled Keigo's face.

"Jesus [y/n], you're downgrading," Keigo dismissed the scarred man and returned his gaze at the annoyed women.

"It's not what it looks like," she rubbed her temples in frustration.

"Oh? So you're not fucking this piece of burnt jerky?" he tilted his head in curiosity.

"So what if she is? What are you going to do about it?" Dabi wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled [y/n] towards him.

"Go on and have her big guy, she's lose anyways," Keigo shrugged, though, in reality, he was boiling with anger.

"Leave Keigo please," she removed herself from Dabi's grip, which allowed Kegio to grab her wrist and pull her towards his chest.

"Don't forget who made you [y/n]. Without me, you'd still be a junkie out in the streets," Kegio spoke coldly as he kept her close to his chest.

Out of pure boredom and one could say anger, Dabi found himself throwing a punch at the blonde man's face.

"Fuck off! You got a bird brain or something!" Dabi shouted as Kegio landed on the floor.

"Oh, so that's how we're going to play," Kegio then jumped up and attempted to tackle Dabi, but [y/n] pulled the scarred man away.

"KEIGO! OUT! before someone calls the fucking cops!" [y/n] shouted with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Whatever," he scoffed while walking past the pair.

"Just don't come crawling back to me," and with that, he left.

"Who was that?" a slightly more sober Dabi questioned.

"My ex,"'she sniffled as a few tears escaped her eyes.

"He's a dirtbag," Dabi chuckled since he didn't know what to say to the crying women.

"He's just jealous," she wiped the tears away turned her body to face his.

"you're spending the night," she snapped back to her usual self.

"Huh?" he hiccuped.

"For all, I know you'll probably die from asphyxiation by you're own vomit if I let you go home," she mumbled while pulling him towards her bedroom.

"Fine by me," Dabi shrugged his shoulders.


left work early today cuz i felt like i was going to faint! but here's an update bc i miss you guys and i feel bad for leaving you guys hanging.

i'll try to update when i'm not being over worked at my job 🧍🏽‍♀️


much love and stay safe cuties 🤍🥰
-marle 😴

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