thirty five

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**And I know that it ain't right
but I'm jealous, jealous,
the jealous kind**


"Isabella, are you ready yet? We're already late."

"Almost," I call back through the door, returning my gaze to the mirror I'm currently stood in front of, making some final adjustments to my costume. I've been holed up in my room for hours, getting ready for the Halloween party that's being hosted by one of Harry's friends from work, to which he extended the invitation to me as his plus one. After brainstorming with Tina in the dressing room at work, we both came up with the perfect costume for me to wear and I've been keeping it a secret from Harry ever since, not allowing him to see what it is until it's perfect. Which, as I look at my reflection now, I think it is.

The costume itself doesn't consist of much clothing, nothing more than black thong bodysuit with a zip down the front, which I've pulled down to offer quite the impressive view of my boobs which have been propped up with my best push up bra. My legs are adorned in fishnet tights, a pair of knee high boots snaking their way up my thighs. A police badge has been stitched into the bodysuit, a matching police hat is balancing on my head, and a pair of silver handcuffs are dangling from my belt. I've slipped a pair of hoops into my ears, my face is perfectly made-up, and my dark hair is falling down my back slick and straight. As I take one last look at myself in the mirror, doing a little twirl and peering at my ass for good measure, even I have to admit that I look fucking hot.

Trying to hold back a smirk, I pull open the door and saunter out into the living room where Harry is stood scrolling through his phone, adorned in his vampire costume which is really just a pair of black jeans and a half-unbuttoned white shirt splattered with fake blood, a trickle of blood also running down his chin. His hair is messy and tousled like he's just been on a day-long blood bender, and he looks so sexy that it takes me a while to notice him glancing up from his phone and staring at me as I walk down the hall.

In an instant, his eyes widen and his mouth drops open, his eyes slowly raking up and down my body as he takes it all in. Once he has, he lets out a small laugh of amazement, raising his hand to cover his mouth as he stares at me, shaking his head to himself as he begins to make his way over. "Fuck," he murmurs, his smile so wide that I can see the fake fangs in his mouth. He sticks his tongue into his cheek as he gives me another scan up and down, eyes shining bright with both amusement and disbelief. "You're such a fucking tease."

I smile up at him, attempting to hold back my delight at his excited reaction. "What?" I ask innocently, turning my body a little so he can see the rest of my body in the outfit, specifically my ass. "I thought it'd be funny. Don't you like it?"

"I never said that," he replies quickly, still scanning me up and down as if he still can't quite believe it. As I turn back to him, he hooks a hand under my belt, using his grip to pull me towards him, one hand sliding around to cup my ass. "I think you're going to send me to an early grave, though."

I hum softly, letting him pull me up against his chest. "I can think of worse ways to die," I breathe against his lips.

"I'm sure there is," he agrees, his eyes still unable to stay on my face for longer than five seconds as he continues to admire my costume. He runs his finger along the handcuffs dangling from my belt, a smirk pulling at his lips as he toys with one while glancing up at me. "Wanna try these handcuffs later?"

I return his smirk, tilting my head as I peer at him playfully. "That depends."

He arches an eyebrow, playing along with my game. "On?"

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