A New Era

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"It's Anderson Cooper reporting from CNN and i want to give a happy veterans day week to the U.S.A. I would like to give thanks to all of the veterans that fought for us and risked their lives for us."

My name is Ryan and i go to Westide High School with my 3 other friends Jason, Amanda, and Caitlyn.We all have alot in common and hang out alot. We were sitting in our classroom when this report came on. I guess you could say school can get pretty boring escpecially at times like this.

"Wait i'm getting a report... A so called group of terrorists named Donruss have invaded a local St. Augustine neighborhood. If you live near this area i suggest you flee and or look for another shelter, United States armed forces are finding a way to deal with it as we speak. This is Anderson Cooper signing off."

"Calm down! Calm down! It's going to be alright just stay calm and everything will be ok." said my Social Studies teacher. I look over to see jason wide-eyed still looking at the screen and then see Caitlyn crying. Amanda just seems to be as surprised as Jason. I walk over to Caitlyn and say,"Hey you alright?"

"yea, I guess you could say that considering i don't even know if my parents are ok or not..." Said Caitlyn wiping tears from her eyes.

"Hey it's gonna be alright ok? I promise me you Amanda and Jason will figure out what happened. Together." I said waiting for a response.

"Okay, Just give me a minute." She said walking out of the classroom. soon after that kids were evacuated out of the building. I pulled Jason and Amanda to the side and head what they had to say about it.

"What the hell were those "Donruss" people thinking when they did something like this?! I mean they attacked in such a small group so they can be beat easily." Said Jason.

"Maybe they are trying to get an area cleared out for a checkpoint or something?" Said Amanda shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know yet but im sure soon enough we'll figure it out." I said walking back around the corner alonside Jason.

"You guys wait here for a sec." I said walking towards Caitlyn. I saw her sitting against her locker crying. I ran over and asked,"Hey it's gonna be alright, I already heard from Jason and Amanda. They are thinking what your thinking right know they just... Aren't expressing it as much as you.

"I know it's just, I want to know for sure they are ok." Said Caitlyn looking up at me.

"Look if you want we can take my car and head over there just to make sure. Ok?" I said pulling her up.

"Okay. But we'll never get pass whatever is there they our side could have set a perimeter already." Said Caitlyn worriedly.

"Don't worry i'll just park the car far away and we can walk from there." I said reasurringly.

I turned the keys in the ignition and the engine of my mitsubishi started.

"You ready?" I asked turning towards Caitlyn.

"Sure." Answered Caitlyn. We all continued the drive quietly, Jason was listening to a heavy metal rock band and Amanda was reading a book while listening to some pop music. Caitlyn was just looking out her window i'm guessing she was thinking about her parents so i started some conversation since no one could hear us.

"So, Uh, were you and your parents really close?" I asked kind of akwardly.

"Yea, Especially with my dad. But my mom had that softness for me which i loved." Caitlyn laughed at that.

"Yea me and my dad were close until i turned 13 and he joined the army. He said he needed to do something to take his mind off of who-knows-what. But me and my mom stuck with each other for a while and it worked out. I'm thinking like you right now, it's like 'what could be happening right now?' you know?" I asked

"Yea i guess... But i just don't know where we're going after we park some distance away." said Caitlyn still looking out her window.

"Well we are going to stop by your place just because your worried and then we can head to the rest of our homes and maybe gather some stuff for a trip to someplace that might be safer." I explained.

"Hold on i think we can stop right about here." I said parking in between two houses. I let Jason and Amanda know that we were there. We each got out of the car and stopped at the left side of a house. We saw 3 Humvee's parked in front of a house and 6 cop cars.

"Ok we'll try and stay around them and as far as possible and head towards Caitlyn's home ok?" I said as they each nodded their heads.

"Alright let's do this!" said Jason raising his fist in the air. We dont know why but when it comes to rebellious things jason just gets fired up. We jumped a fence into someones backyard and made our way through the neighborhood.

"Hey why don't you take the lead, you might know a better path." I asked Caitlyn.

"Sure thing" She answered jogging in front of me. we continued to walk a few meters from where we started and eventually found Caitlyn's home. We each walked through the front door while Caitlyn ran throughout the house calling for her parents. I followed her wanting to help so i started calling out her parents names as well. We soon walked in their bedroom to find their bodies on the ground. 3 gun shots in each of them. She leaned against me and started crying. I just stood there looking at the bodies wanting to get rid of these terrorists quicker than before.

Donruss: A beginningWhere stories live. Discover now