.:Chapter 7- Phone Call:.

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Jeremy's POV

Mike hasn't been coming back.

It used to be everyday, the same time. He would always walk in, say hey, then hold my hand and talk about what was happening with him. The nurses even knew him. I would hear them outside.

"You here for Jeremy again?" They would ask.

"Yes." I would hear him say sadly. I wanted to tell him... Anything really. Just for him to know I'm okay, or at least I feel okay.


When he missed the first day, I just assumed he was busy, but when he came the next day, he said he had gotten drunk and knew he couldn't drive. I didn't know he drank.

He came everyday after that. Then one day he showed up, sounding like he was in pain.

"Jeremy," Mike said, choking. "I've given up."

And that's all he said. The only thing left I could hear, was the heart monitors beeping around me.


He hasn't come for two days, and I'm starting to get worried. They've done multiple operations on me, mostly consisting of stitching. Apparently they found a price of metal in my arm, so they gave me a Tetanus shot. I'm pretty sure it was a piece of Foxy's hook.


It's been four days, and Mike still hasn't come.

Also, I'm starting to feel more things. I can smell things, and feel myself take a breath.

The beeping noises from the other machines are getting annoying.


I opened my eyes today.

I was taking deep breaths, seeing if that would make a difference. No progress. I twitched my finger, and I immediately smiled.

Then I realized I smiled. I tried to open my eyes, and finally, I opened them.

The bright lights above me hurt my eyes at first, but I got used to it. I looked around at the other patients, obviously in comas. I looked over and saw the heart monitor. I looked towards the window. It was pitch black. I saw the red button on the hospital bed, and pushed it. I waited, and then soon enough, a nurse walked in.

"Jeremy! You're awake!" She said, smiling big. I recognized her voice as the one who would talk to me.

"Yep..." I said, my voice hoarse and scratchy.

"I'll go call the man who has been coming in here so much, Mike I think..." The nurse said, turning to go out the door. Then I had a crazy idea.

"No, don't!" I said. The nurse turned around, surprised.

"I want to surprise him when I get out." I said smiling. She smirked.

"Okay, I'll see you in the morning then. We already fixed you up. We just need to keep you here an extra day after you get a check-up." The nurse said, then left.

Mike's POV

I felt ashamed.

After three days of Jeremy being in the hospital, I couldn't go because I had gotten drunk. Drunk because I wanted to forget about him. To forget that my friend was in the hospital because of me.

I had gone back to his house, to tell his dad that Jeremy was in the hospital. When I had told him, he started to laugh. Hard.

"Fuckin' deserves it." He said through his laughter. I just stared at him wide eyed. This is why he didn't want to go back. The marks on his arms that I thought were from Foxy, they were from him and his father.

I glared at him and slapped him as hard as I could. He stumbled back and looked at me, holding his face.

"Did you just fucking slap me?" He growled.

"Sure the fuck did." I said, then slammed the door in his face.


I would talk to Doll, the only other "family" I knew. I can't even remember my family, or if they know I'm alive.

"Doll, I don't know what to do." I told him one night after I got back from Freddy's. I was on the couch right next to Doll, the TV playing something very quietly. It lit up the dark room.

Doll always stayed up so he would be awake when I got home.

"Mike," he started, putting his arm around me, "you have to stop beating yourself up about this. It's not your fault, he's going to be fine." I sighed.

"But Doll, it is my fault. I could've prevented this from happening, I could've done som-" I started, but got cut off by Doll hugging me. I froze for a second, but then gave in, hugging back.

"Mike, stop worrying. You need sleep, come on." He said, looking me in the eye and standing up. "Don't forget your phone. They could call at anytime." He reminded me. I scoffed.

"As if they woul-" I started, but then my phone started to ring. My head darted to look at the phone on the coffee table. Right on the screen was the number the hospital gave me. I looked at Doll with wide eyes. He smiled at me.

"Well, are you just gonna stare at it, or are you answer it?" He teased. I quickly picked it up, practically stabbing the answer button.

"Hello?" I said quickly.

"Hey! Mike?" The voice said. It was the nurse I always saw at the front.

"Yeah! Is... Is Jeremy alright?" I asked, messing with the end of my shirt nervously. I heard a pause, and then the nurse answered.

"Uh, not really..." The nurse said. It felt like my throat dropped to the bottom of my stomach. "We think that he might have Tetanus. There was rusted metal in his skin, and traces of it in other places too. He might not make it." The nurse said.

"Oh." I said, trying to hold back tears.

"Then what did you call me for?" I asked.

"We need your address. We are going to drop off Jeremy's things." She said.

I told her my address, and she said someone would bring it by tomorrow night. I sighed and hung up. A tear rolling down my face.

"He might not make it.." I whispered. Dolls eyes widened. He walked over and put his arms around me.

"Mike..." He said. I didn't want to talk. "Mike." He said again.

"What." I choked out, my face in his chest.

"Come on..." Doll said, pulling me with him into our bedroom. He pulled me down into the covers of the bed, still hugging me. "Get some sleep, okay?" Doll said. I nodded and he kissed the top of my head.

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