.:Chapter 9- Is This Real?:.

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Mike's POV

I stood in the doorway, not believing what I was seeing.

Jeremy was in the doorway, wearing a green sweater that was too big for him, and black pants. His hair was all over the place, and he looked tired.

"Jeremy.." I whispered before immediately pulling him in for a hug. I smiled when he squeaked, surprised by the sudden movement. I hugged him tight, my right hand on the back of his head, and my other on his back. I had started to cry.

"You were out for so long, I thought you wouldn't wake up. I was lost Jeremy. Besides Doll, you're the only person I know." I said. I laughed softly.

"I can't believe you're here." I said quietly, holding his shoulders to look at him. He wasn't even looking at me though... His eyes were half lidded and he looked ready to pass out.

"Jere?" I asked worriedly. He suddenly fell backwards.


I sat up straight, breathing heavily, and looking around. The phone was on the floor, and Doll wasn't in the room. I sat up on the couch and rubbed face.

I thought back to the dream. Right when I did, a tear rolled down my cheek. One turned into two, two into four, and then I was sobbing on the couch into the pillow. I couldn't decide which hurt more, knowing that I caused Jeremy to get hurt, or that I could've stopped it. Suddenly, I heard faint footsteps.

"Mike..? Oh my god Mike are you okay?" Doll said as he rushed over to me. I sighed shakily.

"Yeah.. It was just a dream.." I said, choking back a sob.

"Wanna tell me what it was about...?" Doll asked hesitantly.

"Jeremy was there," I started, and Doll looked at me sadly. "I saw him at the door. It looked like he had just gotten out. I could feel him. He was there, Doll. He was there." I whispered. Doll reached out and brushed away the water on my face with his thumb. "I'm going to lay down, Doll." I said, then dragged myself into the bedroom.


Jeremy's POV

I waited in the car of the nurse in front of Mike's. It was 7:00, or at least I thought it was. I thought Mike would be home by then, but I never saw him come home.

I checked the time: 7:45. The nurse was sleeping.

I sighed and grabbed my dirty work clothes. I glanced out of the car window.

Maybe he is home... Maybe I just didn't notice him come home. I thought to calm myself down.

I quietly got out the car and walked up the short pathway to Mike's door. I took a deep breath before I knocked.

Mike's POV

I heard another knock on the door, so I pinched myself to make sure that there was a real person at the door. I rubbed my hand over my head, and dragged myself to the door. I looked through the peep hole, but it was black. Whoever was out there, obviously didn't want me to know who they were.

Never a good sign.

I grabbed the handle, wondering if I should open the door.

"Ah... I've got nothing to lose anyway." I mumbled to myself, and opened the door.

Then I froze. Standing in the doorway was Jeremy. I pinched my hand. No, this is real. He was in the clothes I had brought for him, if he were to wake up. It was my green, long sleeve shirt, but it was big on him, so the sleeves went past his hands, and the bottom of the shirt was almost to his knees. He was also in his work pants and sneakers. I could barely see bandages on his shoulder. I reached out and touched his shoulder.

"Y-You... I thought-" I started but he cut me off.

"I-I told them to tell you that... I wanted to surprise y-you..." Jeremy said, rubbing the back of his neck. I raised my eyebrows.

"You dirty liar.." I joked quietly. He smiled.

He squeaked a little as I suddenly hugged him, slightly picking him up off the ground.

"M-Mike?" I heard Jeremy ask. I couldn't help smiling like an idiot.

"I missed you." I whispered, my eyes burning. "I didn't think you were going to make it." He finally gave in and hugged back.

"W-Well, here I am..." Jeremy laughed softly.

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