Cedric Diggory x Reader (Part one-)

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"Y/N! C'mon!" Fred said from the doorway of the classroom. I grabbed my things quickly and held them in my arms, Walking towards the door. "You think you could rush me any more, Fred?" I questioned, Rolling my eyes slightly. "I could! But I won't." He grinned, Grabbing my arm and pulling me through the crowded halls of the huge school. I grinned momentarily, Not pulling away from his grasp. "Jeez, Where are we going?" I asked, Speaking up a little louder as the halls were crowded and already loud as is. "To the field, Of course! We're meeting George, Ron and Hermione over there. Harry is gonna join us later." He said, Continuing to pull me out one of the doorways leading to the field. I spotted Draco sitting in a tree with his little crew surrounding him, Like always. Fred let go of my arm as we arrived at a small, blanket-covered patch of grass where the others were sitting. "I finally managed to get Y/N to join us!" Fred smirked, Pointing at me. "Hey George, Hey Ron." I said, turning to Fred. "I thought you said Hermione would be here?" I questioned, Tilting my head to the left slightly. "Ah, She went to the restroom." George said, Patting the spot next to him. "C'mon, Sit down!" He exclaimed as I sat, Fred sitting to the right of me. I stopped a picnic basket next to Ron, Which he'd already started digging into. George and Fred grinned as Ron picked up a Chocolate Frog candy, Still in it's container. He opened it, and a small firework exploded in his face. I couldn't help but laugh along with Fred and George, As Ron fell backwards down the small hill we were sitting on. I felt as if someone were staring at me, And I turned around to see Mr. Perfect himself; Cedric Diggory;  Staring and laughing as Ron tumbled down the hill. He made eye contact with me briefly, And I smiled, Trying to be friendly. He offered a small grin and waved, Turning back to his friends after. I looked at George, Then Fred. "Do you think you should go check on Ron? That was a bit of a tumble." I said, Grinning slightly. "No need, I'm fine!" Ron exclaimed as he and Hermione walked up to the blanket again, Both sitting down. "Oh, Hey Hermione!" I said, Smiling at the girl. "Y/N! Hi!" She said, Patting my shoulder softly and sitting down. I looked back to where Cedric had been before, To see him looking my way again. I turned back around quickly, My face going a faint red color. "Awwww. I think Y/N's got a crush!" Fred teased, George joining in on the giggling. "I do not. I just find it weird that he keeps staring over this way!" I said, Crossing my arms. "Sureee L/N, Keep telling yourself that." George said, Winking at me. I pushed some strands of hair back from my face, As they had fallen when I had turned my head, And decided to stand up. "I'm going over there to say Hi. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone!" I said to the twins, while Hermione and Ron talked their brains off. I walked over towards Cedric and his group, Uncrossing my arms and plastering a slight smile on my face. Cedric was standing, facing away from me now, So I tapped his shoulder twice and backed up a step or two. "Uh, Hey. Sorry for interrupting whatever's going on over here-" I started, Being cut off by one of his friend's laughter; I paused for a moment, Processing what I was going to say. "I just wanted to come over here and say Hi. You seem friendly, And honestly, I could use a break from the Twin's pranks.." I muttered, Trying to keep my voice at an audible level. "Ah. Well, Hello there! I'm Cedric." He said, Smiling at me. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Y/N." I said, Offering a slight smile. Cedric extended a hand and I shook it briefly, Blushing again slightly, Though it was barely noticeable in the sunlight. I let go of his hand after shaking it, And smiled again. "Well, I don't want to bother you more than I already have, So I think I'll be on my way now.." I said. "It's not a bother at all! I think you seem very brilliant, Actually." Cedric said, Smiling right back at me. 'This is so awkward..' I thought, Breaking eye contact with him for a moment. "Well, Okay then. Nonetheless, I feel I should go.. The longer I stay over here, The more the twins will end up teasing me for it." I grinned, Rubbing the back of my neck with my hand for a moment. "Well, Alright then. Bye, It was nice meeting you Y/N!" Cedric said as I walked off, And I turned around briefly, Smiling and waving at him. I swear I saw him blush for a moment before I turned back around. I sat back down on the blanket to see everyone staring at me. "Y/N? What exactly happened over there?" Fred questioned, A slight grin forming on his face. "What do you mean? We just talked for a bit." I said, Messing with the corner of the blanket. "Really? Because everyone was staring, And we thought we saw Cedric blushing a bunch while you were speaking." George smirked, Nudging my arm with his elbow. "Gosh. For the last time, I don't like him, And he doesn't like me! We just met, Anyway." I said, grabbing my stuff and standing up again. "I have to get to class, But we could all meet up later in the forest." I said, Offering that to make up for the fact that I'm leaving so early. "I can't, I'm studying with Ron later." Hermione said, And Ron nodded towards her. "Me and Fred have time. We'll meet you near Hagrid's hut, at.. Hm. Let's say, 6 PM?" George questioned. "Sure, That works for me. See ya then!" I said, Patting Fred's head momentarily and walking off. 

- A few hours later (Sorry for the time skip, I'm just a bit lazy today ^^) -

I sat in the Hufflepuff common room, Reading a book about Dragons. I heard someone walk in, And didn't bother turning my head; I figured it was just someone coming into clean. "Hey!" The person said, And I recognized the voice as Cedric's. "Oh. Hey, Cedric." I said, Turning back to my book. I saw him sit down next to me, And he placed a hand on my shoulder for a moment. "So, About earlier, Sorry if I made it weird. I'm just not used to people coming up to me and introducing themselves." He said, Making eye contact with me. "Oh? I thought that was like an everyday occurrence for you, Since you're.. like.. popular, Or something." I said, Breaking eye contact once again. "Right. It seems that way to most people, But unfortunately I'm usually on my own. I didn't expect you to notice that though; I spend most of the time in my dorm anyway." He said, Also looking away. "Well, If it makes you feel any better, I kind of did notice. I'm just shy, I suppose." I said, smiling slightly. He grinned at me, Adjusting his tie for a moment. "It's good to feel noticed. I'm happy we're friends now, Y/N." He said. "Oh. Right. Yeah, I guess I'm happy we're friends now, Too." I mumbled slightly, Being too tired to offer a smile. After a few moments, I felt myself slip into sleep, My head resting on Cedric's shoulder.. 

Authors Note: Hey y'all! Sorry for the cliffhanger (Not really-)! Part two will be up either later today or tomorrow, And then I'll be starting on the next imagine! I hope y'all enjoyed this part ♥

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