(Soft) Tom Riddle x Reader

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Authors Note: In this imagine, Tom never turns into Voldemort, And he never makes the Horcruxes, Since the reader (you) turns him "soft". This is gonna have some fluff in it by the way, so.. Enjoy! <3

I placed my books on the desk in front of me, Preparing for my last class of the day. Things have been peaceful at Hogwarts for a while; Not that I was complaining. I heard the door to the classroom open once again, Making way for my classmate, Tom Riddle. Most people were scared of him, But I suppose in the last years I've been partners with him in this class, I've grown fond of him. Well, As fond of him as someone could get. He didn't particularly scare me anymore, But that didn't change the fact he seemed to hate me. He walked over to our desk, Placing his things down and sitting next to me. I made eye contact with him for a moment and looked away a few seconds after. He always looks so angry, I don't understand why. I decided to try and be friendly once again, Though my past attempts had failed. "Uh.. Hey." I said, Looking back at him. "Hi." He said, Turning his attention to the books on his side of the desk. "..How are you?" I questioned, Trying to make friendly conversation. He glared at me as he spoke. "Look Y/N. I get we've been partners in this class for a year or two, But I don't want to be friends. I don't even want to be sitting here right now, With a filthy mudblood like you." Tom said, Continuing to glare at me. "Then go sit somewhere else. Nobody's forcing you to keep sitting here." I said, Looking up at the clock on the wall. Tom looked offended for a moment, And opened his mouth to speak, But decided not to and looked away. "..Mudblood." He said, The term obviously being directed at me. "Coward." I said in return, Grinning softly. He glared at me, Pure anger in his eyes, Before the teacher started talking about the class.

An hour after, I gathered my things and headed back to my dorm, Deciding not to go to dinner tonight. Not for any particular reason, Just because I was exhausted. I arrived back to my common room, Walking into my dorm. As I walked in, I noticed someone else in there. "..What the heck are you doing in my dorm?" I asked, Crossing my arms. "I could ask you the same thing." Tom said, Glaring at me again. "This is my dorm. I don't even know how you got in here." I said, Trying not to grin. "Dumbledore thought it was a good idea for me to move to a dorm with a roommate. I think he made the wrong decision." Tom said, Rolling his eyes and going back to unpacking. "Whatever. I just think you're going out of your way to spend more time with me." I said, Plopping down on my bed and placing my books on my nightstand. "As if I'd ever want to spend more time with a mudblood like you. I'd much rather be spending time with someone on my level." He sighed, Not facing me. "That's what they all say!" I said, grinning. He ignored me, And I decided to leave to go into the courtyard. 

- Time skip, 1 month. (Sorry not sorry!) -

It's been a month since me and Tom became roommates; It seemed like he was starting to warm up to me, Though I doubted it. It was after my classes and I had climbed up to the roof of the giant school, Standing on the small balcony that was up there so students could look at the view. I smiled faintly at the peacefulness of the school from up here. Though I had been having a good month, I couldn't help but develop some feelings for Tom; I didn't despise him as much. In fact, I feel that I like him, In some.. weird way. Maybe as friends, Maybe more.. I don't know.

Suddenly, The door to the balcony swung open and I heard a familiar voice. "What are you doing out here." The voice said, And I recognized it as Tom's. "Why do you care? It's none of your business." I said, Crossing my arms and continuing to stare off at the view. "I don't care. I just.. I want this spot to myself." He said, Coming up to stand next to me. "Right." I said, Grabbing my bag and beginning to walk back into the hallway. "...Wait." He said. "I have something I need to tell you." I stopped in my tracks and turned around slowly, Placing my bag back down. "Okay. What is it?" I questioned, Actually interested for once. "Well, Y/N.. It appears that I may have been wrong about you," He started, Taking his time finding the right words to say. "I quite fancy you, Actually.. In a way that I don't entirely understand." Tom said, Fixing his tie. "I find you quite appealing now, And I was hoping that you'd possibly accompany me on a date to get Butterbeer?" He asked, Looking me straight in the eyes. "I-.. What? This has to be a joke." I said, Backing up slightly. "Would you rather it be?" He asked, A look that I wasn't familiar with him having forming in his eyes; Nervousness. "Well.. No. I wouldn't. I just.. I don't know. I like you too, This is just a bit shocking." I said with a chuckle. Tom grinned slightly and hesitantly grabbed my hand, Placing a small kiss on it. "So.. Is it a date, then?" He asked after letting go of my hand. "I suppose it is." I said, Smiling at him.

Authors Note: This was definitely a weird one to write! I'm not exactly familiar with Tom's character, So trying to get his personality right was difficult, But I hope y'all enjoyed this! Feel free to recommend people in the comments ^^

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