Oliver Wood x (Gryffindor) Reader

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(Let's just say that Fred and George are your best friends in this for the sake of it.)

"Y/N, You need to hurry up. We're going to be late for quidditch practice, And you know Oliver is going to be angry about that." Fred said, Trying to usher me out of the common room. "Shove off, Fred. He can be angry all he wants, He can't seriously be expecting everyone to get to every practice on time." I stated, Continuing to lace up my boots. "Seriously, Y/N. We need to go." George added, A small grin on his face. "Fine, Fine. Let's go," I muttered, Putting on my gloves.

Once we arrived at the quidditch field, I realized Oliver had been glaring at us. Me, specifically. "L/N. You're late." He said, Crossing his arms. "I'm completely aware of that, Wood. Maybe if you didn't make practices so early, I would have been on time." I retorted. He sighed, and turned to the rest of the team. "Go do some laps. I need to speak with Y/N." He said to them, Then turned back to me. Fred and George both gave me looks, As if to say "Good luck," And I grinned at them briefly before turning back to Oliver. "So? What." I said, Awaiting whatever he was going to tell me. "You need to stop being late. It reflects bad on the team. On me." He snapped, Still not looking away. "Look, Wood. I know that quidditch is important to you, But that's your problem. I try my best," I groaned, Trying not to lose my temper. "Y/N, I didn't want to have to do this, But if you're not going to start coming to practice on time, I'm going to kick you off the team." He retorted, And I swear I saw a hint of guilt in his eyes after he said that. "..Well then. Fine. It's not like I care," I muttered. "Wait, I didn't mea-" He started, But I was already walking away, Ignoring him. 

(Oliver's POV now-)

I watched Y/N walk away from the field, Ignoring my apology. I suppose this was on me for being so hard on them, But it wasn't like they made it any easier for me. I turned back to the team, Giving them the signal to come back. Fred and George were the first ones over, An odd look on both their faces. "Did you really..?" George started, And I knew what they meant. "I-.. Yes. I kicked Y/N off the team." I muttered, Looking away briefly. "You must be a bloody fool! They were the best player we had!" Fred exclaimed. "Fred, Shut your mouth. I know you have a thing for Y/N, Or something, But they were making the team look bad. I did what I had to do. Now let's get to practice." I said, Trying to keep my tone down. 'He's right. I really just screwed the whole team over,' I thought, A bit mad at myself.

After practice, I noticed Y/N standing at the edge of the field again. I looked at them for a moment, And they glared back at me. I realized they were here for Fred and George, and quickly turned away, Hearing the twins walk up to them and joke around. I knew they were right about Y/N being the best player we had, And I knew what I had to do. We had a game in a week anyway, And I needed them. Well.. Because they're the best player we have. Besides me, Of course. Definitely not for emotional support, Or because I feel comfortable around them. I quickly walked into the great hall for lunch, And sat down.

(Y/Ns POV)

I sat down with the Gryffindor quidditch team, Like I always do for lunch. Oliver was staring at me, And I just ignored him. I may not be part of the team anymore, But the people on the team were still my friends, And he couldn't change that. Fred had been going to take a shower in his dorm, So I was just sitting with George today. He cleared his throat for a moment and grinned at me, Before turning to Wood. "So, Oliver. Y'know what you said earlier about Fred having a thing for Y/N?" He started, Continuing to grin. "Wait, What?-" I said, getting cut off. "Are you jealous?" George laughed, And Oliver glared at him. "So what if I was? Y/N may not be on the quidditch team anymore due to their inability to actually get to the practices on time, But that doesn't change that I think they're a good person." He said, Picking at his lunch, But not actually eating any of it. I snatched an apple off of his tray and bit into it, Grinning. "Hey, That was mine!" He said, Attempting to grab it back. I held it out of his reach, Laughing briefly. "Not anymore. You're not even eating your lunch." I retorted. Part of me was still angry at him for kicking me off the team, But another part of me was still happy he was talking to me. He grabbed my arm to hold me in place and he used his other hand to grab the apple from me, Grinning. I felt a bit of heat on my cheeks, Realizing I was probably blushing, and looked away from him. "Not so tough now, Are you?" He chuckled, Biting into the other side of the apple once he'd gotten it. "Er.. Shut up, Wood." I mumbled, Getting a bit flustered. "Awwww! Y/N's blushing!" George laughed, And I punched his arm playfully. "No I'm not!" I said, Grinning at him, Then making eye contact with Oliver briefly. He just smiled at me.

(Time skip brought to you by the authors lack of motivation. Long story short, It's been a month, You're back on the quidditch team. Oliver made a deal with you that he'll let you back on the team if you go on a date with him. The date's tonight!)

I was in my dorm, Carefully picking out my outfit for tonight. I had decided on a black pair of jeans, One of Oliver's shirts that he had given me, And my favorite jacket since it's a cold night. I walked out to the quidditch field, Trying not to have a panic attack right then since I was so nervous. I noticed him sitting on the grass in the middle of the field, And he saw me. He stood up and ran over, Grinning. "Hey! I'm glad you showed up," He said, Rubbing the back of his neck. "Well of course I showed up. I like spending time with you." I said, smiling at him. I think I saw him blushing, Though it was hard to tell in the dark lighting of the field. "Well, C'mon. There's a reason I brought you out here, After all," He said, Grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the middle of the field. He sat down and I sat down next to him, And he still didn't let go of my hand. I blushed a bit at that, And looked up at the night sky. There were so many stars visible, And it was extremely beautiful. "Y'know.. there's all those stars in the sky, Yet you're by far my favorite view out here." He said, Grinning. "Really? Even though we're literally in the middle of the quidditch field?" I laughed, Making eye contact with him. He chuckled at that, And squeezed my hand a bit tighter. "Well, If I made a list of the things I love most in my life, You'd definitely be tied with quidditch. Maybe even above it.." He said, biting his lip for a moment, Trying to suppress a smile. "Is that your way of saying you love me?" I asked, Continuing to look up at the sky. "What if it is?" He questioned, And I could tell he was getting a bit nervous. "Then I'd say that I love you too." I stated, Looking at him after a few moments. I could tell he was happy I said that, And he placed the hand he wasn't using to hold my hand under my chin. He then turned my face towards him, And started leaning in a bit. "Is.. this okay?" He asked, Making eye contact with me. I nodded, grinning, And he pressed his lips against mine for a few moments. It felt like pure happiness in the moment, And I smiled into the kiss briefly. I would have never admitted this a month ago, But I'm in love with Oliver Wood. I always had been, And always will be.

Authors note: GHFJSKHGFJDKSHGGHFJDHGFJDGHFJFJDK OKAY OKAY I'M LIKE- THIS CHAPTER WAS MOSTLY FOR ME BECAUSE I LOVE OLIVER WOOD WITH ALL OF MY HEART AND SOUL, BUT I HOPE SOME OTHER PEOPLE WHO LOVE OLIVER ENJOYED THIS!! This is definitely my favorite fanfiction that I've written and I'm so proud of it- Remember that I love you all, And I'll probably start writing a lot more soon! Feel free to request people in the comments. Until next time <3

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