Cedric Diggory x Reader (Part 2)

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I woke up what felt like hours later, Though it was maybe only an hour. I opened my eyes steadily, Sitting back up again. I realized where I had been resting my head and realized I had been laying it on Cedric's shoulder for the past hour. He looked to be passed out as well, His arm draped over the side of the couch. He looked peaceful, And sort of cute. Not that I'd ever tell him that. He moved slightly, And opened his eyes to look at me. "Oh- Uh, Hey there." He grinned, his cheeks going a pinkish-red color. "Hey.. Sorry about falling asleep on your shoulder. It wasn't very considerate of me." I said, Smiling a bit in return. "It's alright! I could tell you were tired, anyway.." He said, Looking at the fireplace. "Oh? So you knew I'd fall asleep on you?" I teased, Laughing slightly. "Of course I didn't! I figured you'd fall asleep anyway." He grinned. "Right, Whatever you say!" I said, standing up. I glanced down at my watch for a moment. "..I'm late to meet the twins in the forest. Great." I said, closing my eyes in frustration with myself. "Well.. You look pretty tired anyway, Y/N. I could go talk to them, For a price of course." Cedric offered, Grinning. "Sure, What's the price?" I questioned, Trying to figure out what he'd want from me. "Hangout with me tomorrow?" He said, A flicker of hope flashing in his eyes. "Eh.. Sure. I guess I can do that." I said, Trying not to blush. "Great! I- um.. I'll be back." He said, Quickly leaving the common room to find the twins. 'Did he just ask me out?.. Or, Did he really just mean hanging out?..'  I thought, Grinning to myself. Either way, I'd enjoy it. I quickly walked over to my dorm and fell asleep as soon as I laid on my bed. 

- Time skip: 2 months. (Again, Sorry! 😅)

It's been two months now since me and Cedric became friends, And it's like everyday I just fall for him more. Ever since we hung out that one day, We just got closer and closer. Now, It's a day before my birthday, And I'm ecstatic. I heard a knock on my dorm door, And I hesitantly got up, Opening it. "Oh! Hey, Ced." I said, Smiling. "Hey, Y/N.. Can we talk?" Cedric questioned. "Sure. C'mon in." I said, giving him space to walk through my dorm's door as I closed the door behind him. He sat down on the edge of my bed and I sat down next to him. "So? What's up?" I said, A bit concerned. "Look, Y/N.. I-.. Um.." He started, His face getting redder by the minute. "Cedric, You can tell me. I won't judge you." I said, Placing a hand on his shoulder. "Okay.. I- I just; I really like you, And it's okay if you don't feel the same about me, But I just- I wanted to tell you." He said, Not making eye contact with me. My eyes widened in shock and I took a second to process what he just said. "Cedric. Look at me." I said, smiling briefly when he finally made eye contact with me. "I like you too." I said, The words being a shock to my own mind even after I said them. Cedric did that adorable grin he always does, And slowly leaned in before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "So.. Will you by my partner, then?" He asked.

Authors Note: So, that's it for this imagine- I had a lot of fun writing this! The others may be shorter, I just wanted to make this one kind of long since Cedric is my favorite character and since it's my first imagine! But yeah, Feel free to request scenarios or people!

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