Neville Longbottom x Reader

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A/N: This one's gonna be short, And it's gonna be fluff because why not-

(Y/Ns POV)

I sat in the Gryffindor common room, The heat of the fireplace warming me. I had a long day tomorrow, And I am not mentally prepared in the slightest. I flipped to the next page of the book I had been reading; A book on herbology that my boyfriend, Neville, Had given to me; And continued reading it silently. I heard the door to the common room open, And glanced at it, Seeing Neville walk in. "Oh! Hey, Neville." I said, Smiling at him. "Hello Y/N!" He said, Walking over to me. "How was working in the greenhouse?" I asked, Putting my book down. "It was great! I should probably go shower, though.. I'm all dirty from it." He smiled at me briefly before walking towards the bathrooms. "Alright, I'll be here when you come back out." I grinned, And continued reading the book he has given me. After about twenty minutes, Neville came back out, His hair still damp. I looked up at him and smiled. "You look really cute," I said, Patting the seat next to me on the couch, Motioning for him to sit down next to me. He walked over and sat down, Smiling at me. "Thank you," He said, Laying his head on my shoulder. "No problem, Neville," I giggled. After a few minutes he fell asleep, And I placed my book down on the table. I shifted on the couch a bit so I was more comfortable, And I ran my fingers through his hair softly. He mumbled something incoherent in his sleep, and I smiled. After a bit I drifted off into sleep myself, Completely content with him next to me.

A/N: Yeah, This definitely isn't my favorite, But it's something! Sorry about it being so short, But I did write another one of these today, so-- Deal with it! >:D Feel free to request other characters and scenarios, And as always, I love you!

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