Chapter One

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(Armin's POV)

Walking down this long, blank, endless hallway with negative thoughts plaguing my mind. 'what is wrong with these homophobic pricks trying to beat me down for trying to be who I am. I love who I love-I cant help it. What if they're right? Should I re-'

"Oi, Armin!" someone yells. I turn around to see Eren running towards me.

Smiling softly as my mind drifts away from all the negativity and says, "hi," waving at one of the few I trust.

"Heichou placed Horseface and I in a gorup for a brief out look mission and told us we can choose one soldier to ride out with us, so what do you say?" Eren asks, trying to catching his breath, his hands on his slightly bent knees.

"Why don't you ask Mikasa?" I question, tilting my head slightly as I furrow my brows. Wouldn't she be a better fit?

"Jean asked for you" Eren answers, winking at me. The only one at base who knows about my interest and who likes to tease the hell out of me. I feel my cheeks flush as I look away. Jean wants me to be in the group! B-but why?

"I guess I can" I reply, smiling as I try to play it off as cool as possible.

"Great!" someone exclaims. I turn my head to find Jean standing a few feet away from me. "I-I mean cool" Jean says, covering up his small outburst.

"H-hi J-Jean" I stutter.

Jean smiles and says "I'll see guys later" then starts jogging away.


(Jean's POV)

'Oh my God, he said yes! Wait, why did I ask for him? We could've asked Mikasa. She is beautiful, and strong, but Armin is smart, clever, cute, has a cu-wait! What am I thin-'

"Uh, J-Jean" someone stammers, I look up from my food and I see Armin in front of the table. "C-can I sit h-here? Eren let Connie take my seat.." he asks, the end of his sentence trailing off as he looks down at the floor with light blush on his face. Maybe I'm seeing things. Gosh he looks so cute.

"Sure" I answer, trying not to think too hard. Armin smiles brightly, and sits next to me. I blush as his arm brushes against mine.

"Oh, uh...I...sorry" Armin stammers and turns bright red.

"It's okay" I reply calmly although my insides feel like jelly. "I think I love you" I whisper.

"What? I couldn't hear you" Armin proclaims, tilting his head ever so slightly, his blond bangs covering his bright blue eyes.

"I said I'll see you tomorrow" I lie as I stand on my feet. Taking my full tray with me, sliding the food onto Sasha's tray and walk out of the mess hall, taking a little peak at the blond angel.

"Oh okay, bye" he mumbles. I swear I thought I saw sadness in his eyes.

Maybe I'm seeing things? I think as I walk out of the mess hall.

(Armin's POV)

'Did he blush? Did he turn red out of frustration? Did annoy him?' All of the degrading self esteem slurs and insults from other soldiers and old bullies run through my head as I walk into my corridor. I sigh, then face plant onto my bed.

'I need to stop being so awkward".

Next Morning

"Armin, wake up" someone whispers, shaking my left shoulder.

"What?" I groan, pulling my thin, bland, gray blanket over my head.

"You have to get ready for the mission" he says, yanking my blanket away from me, showing my frail pathetic body wearing only briefs.

My head shoots up as Jean holds my blanket in his left hand, eyes wide. I panic and fall off my bed. Oh no...

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